Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!


Public Tickets

jimenamv Interactive projectsClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 19, 2020 at 1:09pm   34 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi,Sure, go to Appearance > Menus and add the menu items as Custom Links, so as example.Home > https://yourwebsite.com/#topAbout > https://yourwebsite.com/#about-sectionContact > https://yourwebsite ... Tanja John theme updateClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 14, 2020 at 1:38pm   2 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Tanja,Can you please install a fresh copy of Arkhitekton and see if the issue occurs or not.Kind Regards milantran Can't see headerClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 10, 2020 at 10:42pm   7 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi,I am very sorry for the late reply, we did not work on the Weekend & Friday, due some holidays.Please have a look into this video and see how you can arrange a responsive menu.- https://www.youtu ... Gabriel menu button in mobileClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 5, 2020 at 10:17pm   4 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Gabriel,Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will check it quickly. Make sure to tick private on the reply.Kind Regards ErinNicole14 project galleryClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 5, 2020 at 9:41pm   2 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Erin,Please check below how the portfolio items are supposed to work.The images that are displayed on the portfolio element are portfolio items, they are linked through categories to the portfolio ... Stan Hoenson Fancy Product Designer not working ('Replace Product Image' feature)Closed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 5, 2020 at 12:05am   4 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Stan,I am sorry for the late reply.Yes, we need also the login information.Kind Regards milantran Demo Content ErrorClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 4, 2020 at 11:58pm   4 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:You're welcome anytimeKind Regards Loic Desactivate lightbox system of the themeClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 3, 2020 at 3:34pm   4 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Loic,Hi Lecantin, Sorry, for the late reply. You can add this hook, it will remove and dequeu the scripts & styles of magnific popup. Add this on your functions.php of the child theme function pro ... marta colorsClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated May 3, 2020 at 2:53pm   4 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:You're welcome anytime Kind Regards marta footerClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated April 30, 2020 at 4:37pm   8 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Marta,You can change the color of the footer by adding the following CSS in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS. .l-primary-footer .l-primary-footer__widgets, .l-primary-footer .l-primary-foote ... Gabriel menu of the left in blogClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated April 30, 2020 at 4:04pm   3 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Gabriel,If I understand correctly, you're trying to change the widgets. The widgets can be edited at Apeparance > Widgets > Blog Sidebar.To remove that you can go to Appearance > Customize > ... Gabriel remove icons of social networksClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated April 29, 2020 at 4:53pm   4 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Gabriel,Please head on the same path but in Blog.Appearance > Customize > Blog > Post > Share.Kind Regards Gabriel change bg color of footerClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated April 29, 2020 at 4:47pm   2 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Gabriel,That works if you're using the default footer. .l-primary-footer .l-primary-footer__widgets, .l-primary-footer .l-primary-footer__copyright {     background-color: #1D365E !important ... marta socialClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated April 29, 2020 at 4:34pm   7 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:You're welcome anytime, feel free to ask for anything you needKind Regards Gabriel gallery and projects navigationClosed   Arkhitekton - Modern Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme   Updated April 29, 2020 at 4:25pm   4 Most recent comment from Neuron Themes:Hi Gabriel,As, I've told you, we can do something similar by adding there a link with jQuery. Let me know if you're interested on that, I can provide you with Custom jQuery.Kind Regards