Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #3766910
Not GettingA Response On Ticket


  • taggart2 started the conversation

    Hi!  I have another ticket opened, but not receiving any responses or help on solving the issue.  Very frustrating!  Issues are as follows...

    1-Need help importing demo to another domain...

    2-When I go to try to build a page within elementor, the saved/favorited templates from the captura theme do not show up when trying to add a block.

    I submitted for a refund, unless these issues can get solved asap.

  •  965
    Neuron replied

    We've just responded to your ticket, please take a look at it.

    Kind Regards

  • taggart2 replied

    Responded, but did not actually answer any of the questions or provide any new information!  Please help!