Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #3697605
new twitter X icon


  • abharms started the conversation

    I'm wondering how to update the twitter bird icon to the newest "X" icon for the social share buttons. I've read that elementor has updated to have this icon available, but the Travelosophy theme does not seem to have it. Thank you.

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    As of right now, we've not updated the Twitter X icon yet, it will probably be added in the upcoming Neuron Builder updates, but I can't give you a deadline, as I don't know when it will be updated.

    If you want to change it now, I can help you to change it vai a custom CSS code, so please let me know.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • abharms replied

    The CSS would be great. Please let me know where to add it as well. Thanks

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Can you please add the following CSS at Elementor's Site Settings > Custom CSS?

    .fa-twitter:before {
        content: url("") !important;
    .fa-twitter {
        width: 16px;

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards