Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #3657751


  • Gosia started the conversation

    Hello Support Team,

    Share icons in Single Product are not visible on desktop and on mobile (see atachement icons.jpg). When I edit the Single Product template in Elementor the icons display correctly (see atachement icons2.jpg) but in browsers thea are not visible. I checked it at Safari and Chrome. Can you help me solve this problem?

     The website address: https://urbanmagia.pl/wp-admin/

     If you want to login to the panel, you can use below:

     Password: (o*YGOni4@Lem3^ByTCO&%cL 

    Login: support

    If you will be prompt to provide additional credentials on https://urbanmagia.pl/wp-admin/ please use below: 

    username: atthost 

    password: atthost 

    See attached additional_credentials.jpg. 

    Best regards,


    Attached files:  icons.jpg

  •  966
    Neuron replied

    Hi Gosia,

    I've just fixed the issue by installing the Font Awesome plugin on your site, can you please take a look at it?


    Feel free to aks for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • Gosia replied


    Great, thank you for your help!

    Kind Regards,


  •  966
    Neuron replied

    You are welcome anytime, feel free to ask for anything you need

    If you like our theme or the support, please leave us a rate of 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards,