Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #3602287
Portfolio slider homepage


  • Anon started the conversation


    Somehow i didnt get the predefined homepage slider with the import. 

    My images are all lined up and visible, but i need them to be like the demo.

    1st and 5th image needs to be cut in half.

    Where is that option?

  • Anon replied

    I managed to get that option fixed but now there is another problem.

    When i open the page in Chrome, the first 2 images do not load but the links work, they do load when i move the slider.

    Everything is ok on Firefox. 

    Attached files:  20240309_200017.jpg

  •  966
    Neuron replied

    Hi Anon,

    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   Anon replied privately
  • Anon replied

    btw, the password for the frontpage is: iva-linopoliss


  •  966
    Neuron replied

    Hi Anon,

    I've just fixed the issue by adding the following CSS at Elementor Site Settings > Custom CSS, please check your site now.

    /* Carousel Visible */
    body:not(.elementor-editor-active) .h-neuron-animation--wow:not(.active) {
        opacity: 1 !important;
    @media (max-width: 1279px) {
        .neuron-slides-wrapper {
            overflow: hidden !important;

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • Anon replied

    It's good now.

    Thank you.

  •  966
    Neuron replied

    You are welcome anytime, feel free to ask for anything you need

    If you like our theme or the support, please leave us a rate of 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards,

  • Anon replied

    I have another question...

    Can you remove the links from the main slider but still be fetching from pages, posts or portfolio?

    How can I do that?

  • Anon replied

    Or, is there a way to just make it a normal slider with images from a gallery but with still having the numbers below the slider for control?

  •  966
    Neuron replied

    Hi Anon,

    I've just made them unclickable by adding the following CSS to the Post widget > Advanced tab > Custom CSS.

    selector a {
        pointer-events: none;

    And, yes, you can do the same layout with the Gallery widget, you just need to set the layout to Carousel, and then you can still have the same functions, including the navigation numbers.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards 

  • Anon replied


    thanks for the help.

    There is another problem now.

    When I view the page in Chrome or Firefox, everything is ok, but when I open it in Safari I get a lot more images in view.

    Check the screenshots.

    Attached files:  chrome.jpg

  • Anon replied


  •  966
    Neuron replied

    Hi Anon,

    I've just checked your site on Safari browser and everything is the same as I checked in Chrome or Firefox, have you managed to solve it?


    Can you please tell me the screen size of your device, maybe that's the issue.

    Feel fre to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • Anon replied


    this is happening on a macbook pro which has a Dell 27" screen attached..

    When I view the demo theme (on your site), everything is same on all browsers and all screens.

    Attached files:  macbook1.jpg
      safari dell.jpg
      chrome dell.jpg

  •  966
    Neuron replied

    Hi Anon,

    I've just fixed the issue by setting the Slides Per View to "4", can you please take a look at it?

    - https://prnt.sc/pkHEgYJasSUp

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • Anon replied


    it's not good now.

    I can see 7 images on screen instead of 5 (where 1st image and the 5th image are half cut off). This is on a 27" screen.

    On a 15" screen, everything is ok (I see 5 images where 1st and 5th are half cut off as it should be).

    Please check it.

  •  966
    Neuron replied

    Hi Anon,

    I've just fixed it by setting the content width of the section to "full width", please take a look at it now.

    - https://prnt.sc/V3HrAeDcXFex

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards