Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #3527445
Layout is misaligned.


  • crossman001 started the conversation

    I updated a couple of plug ins (Slider) and now the portfolio assets now sit to one side, whereas they used to sit centred, and soemtimes dont appear at all.

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 10.43.16.png

  •  965
    Neuron replied


    Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   crossman001 replied privately
  •  965
    Neuron replied


    Please make sure that you're running the latest version of the Dendrite theme and Neuron Core plugin.

    Dendrite Theme Version 1.3.0

    You can update the theme directly on your dashboard, via the plugin below: 


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   crossman001 replied privately
  •  965
    Neuron replied


    I'm seeing that you're still using an old version of the theme: https://ibb.co/XCMjVBY

    So as you've installed the Envato plugin, you need to activate it's token, so please take a look at the following article on how to do it, and then you can update the theme from there.

    - https://www.envato.com/lp/market-plugin/

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   crossman001 replied privately
  •  965
    Neuron replied


    I've just fixed it by adding the following CSS code at Dendrite Options > Custom CSS.

    .wide-row {
        margin: auto;

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • crossman001 replied

    Thank you. Much appreciated.

  •  965
    Neuron replied

    You are welcome anytime, feel free to ask for anything you need

    If you like our theme or the support, please leave us a rate of 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards,

  •   crossman001 replied privately
  •  965
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    1) You can reduce the space between the Slider and the row by going to the Row settings > Extra options > Top Spacing, as it was 75px, I've set it now to 50px, so you can check it yourself.

    - https://prnt.sc/mlWOe6DkhcPa

    And I added the space between the heading and portfolio themes, by going to Page Title Settings > Design Options > Margin.

    - https://prnt.sc/MKhfdxHENk_Q

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards