Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #3302721
License Activation


  • symartinez started the conversation

    I tried to activate my Neuron features and created my personal token. At the time to go to my "Activate License" button I get an error saying "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page." This does not allows me to fully activate the plugin. How can I fix this problem. This is the only area of my template I do not have access to. Please advise. Im currently using Safari but get the same error using Firefox and Chrome. After following all the steps and suggestions on your site I checked the developers tools and found a 403 error associated with this problem. 

    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2023-03-14 at 5.08.29 PM.png

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Can you please take a look at the following video tutorial on how to activate the License?

    Video tutorial.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • symartinez replied

    Yes, I followed step by step but as soon as I go to the Activate Neuron Builder button I get the exact same page. See screenshots for reference. As you can see even on the time stamp created by the Mac screenshot feature on the file name, the problem remains. I do not have a way to activate or access the activation process. Any alternatives to fix this issue??

    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 9.55.55 AM.png
      Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 9.55.48 AM.png

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on.

    If you have the Envato Market plugin, please deactivate it, as the license option will go from Neuron to the Envato in the Dashboard, so if you deactivate it, you'll have the license option back at Dashboard > Neuron > License.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • symartinez replied

    Thank you so much for the help and I totally understand you guys not working on weekends. Still appreciate the quick response and the helpful guidance. 

    I was able to fix and activate my neuron license without any problems. 

    Now I only need to figure out how to fix the text on the main menu and change the "Sierra" name for my own, as well as to change the icons for the social media platforms Im in. Any pointers on how to change all this? As you can see on the screenshot, the menu names are crossed with a line and really don't know how to eliminate that. Also I want edit the social media icons. 

    I will really appreciate any help. 

    Thanks again!!!

    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2023-03-20 at 3.07.50 PM.png

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Please look at the following video tutorial on changing the title and the menu style.

    - https://watch.screencastify.com/v/cOlLoX5AnQp0MihClgKc

    And the following screenshot is on how to change social media links, as I forgot to show it in the video.

    - https://prnt.sc/eptGpREvdznq

    If you like our theme, please leave us a rate of 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards,

  • symartinez replied

    Hi guys!

    Really appreciate the support. Unfortunately the video you sent does not fix the problem. I continue to have a line through the text and even when I follow the video step by step the lines are still there. Here is a pdf with screenshots showing a step by step of what you show in the video but without any success. My website is www.siulmartinez.com. Please advise

    Attached files:  Sierra template error.pdf

  • symartinez replied

    Hi guys!

    Just want to share something I discover while trying to fix the menu visibility in the mobile version. Long story short....If I use the intended option of (Mobile Menu Overlay {Template}) the following happens. 1- Mobile menu doesn't work. 2 Lines over main menu are still through the text. Now if I change that option to (Side Header {Template} the mobile menu actually works but only show/ hide the About and Contact sections but the lines over the text disappear. I don't know what correlation this could have but it was something I found by accident. I have attached a step by step screenshot PDF for you. Please advise. 

    Thank you

    Attached files:  Error found.pdf

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   symartinez replied privately
  •  966
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    Can you please also attach the username of the user so I can log in and fix the issues?

    If you like our theme, please leave us a rate of 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   symartinez replied privately
  • symartinez replied

    Hi guys! 

    It's been 3 days since my last message. Just wanted to know is there has been any updates. Really appreciate the support and see if there's any updates. 

    Thank you!!

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Sorry for the late reply,

    I've just fixed the issues on your site, can you please take a look at it?

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • symartinez replied

    WOW guys. Thank you so much for the help. My page is perfect now. Really appreciate the support and go the extra mile to make sure all my questions were answered. This is by far the best experience I've had with a developer. I'll make sure to let everyone knows the quality of your product and support. 

    Thank you!! 

  •  966
    Neuron replied

    You are welcome anytime, feel free to ask for anything you need

    If you like our theme, please leave us a rate of 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards, NeuronThemes