I just purchased Bitfrost and I am trying to Import Demo Data from wordpress but it doesnt work, it shows me an error message. Is there something I am doing wrong? see attachment
I bought bifrost theme especially for the demos with it's features and the slick design thinking it will save me time and technical problems, haha. Now, just hope I am not entering a nightmare trying to fix things. :)
Before contacting my provider, I just imported manually an xml file that I created from one of the demo links and theres no error, it seems to have been uploaded correctly (see attachment), but i cant find the demo theme anywhere in my dashboard. Dont know where to look for it or how to integer it in my website? Also, do I need to install the child theme bifrost-child.zip in order for the demos to work out? Sorry, I am bit confused with all the different components,
I understand you cant show me all the wordpress whereabouts, but If you can guide me a bit in this would be appreciated.
Glad to know that you've managed to import the demo, so now you can go to Dashboard > Pages, and there you'll find all the demo pages of the Bifrost theme.
For more, please check the documentation of the Bifrost theme.
I just purchased Bitfrost and I am trying to Import Demo Data from wordpress but it doesnt work, it shows me an error message.
Is there something I am doing wrong? see attachment
It seems like your server is blocking the request to our server (503 error), if you access directly the URL you can find the content.xml file.
- https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost/demo-importer/main-demo.xml
So there are two solutions.
1) Contact the hosting provider and explain the issue (503 issue in importing).
2) Save the file from main-demo.xml and go to Dashboard > Tools Import and import the file manually(XML file).
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Thanks for the quick reply.
I bought bifrost theme especially for the demos with it's features and the slick design thinking it will save me time and technical problems, haha. Now, just hope I am not entering a nightmare trying to fix things. :)
Before contacting my provider, I just imported manually an xml file that I created from one of the demo links and theres no error, it seems to have been uploaded correctly (see attachment), but i cant find the demo theme anywhere in my dashboard. Dont know where to look for it or how to integer it in my website? Also, do I need to install the child theme bifrost-child.zip in order for the demos to work out? Sorry, I am bit confused with all the different components,
I understand you cant show me all the wordpress whereabouts, but If you can guide me a bit in this would be appreciated.
Glad to know that you've managed to import the demo, so now you can go to Dashboard > Pages, and there you'll find all the demo pages of the Bifrost theme.
For more, please check the documentation of the Bifrost theme.
- https://neuronthemes.com/documentation/bifrost
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards