I imported manually the xml but here is the log with errors:
---Upload files---
Widget file was not uploaded. Error: No file provided.
---Upload files---
Customizer file was not uploaded. Error: No file provided.
---Upload files---
Redux file was not uploaded. Error: No file provided.
---Upload files---
The import files were successfully uploaded!
Initial max execution time = 165
Files info:
Site URL = http://gyselii.cluster031.hosting.ovh.net
Data file = /home/gyselii/www/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/main-demo.xml
Widget file = not defined!
Customizer file = not defined!
Redux files:
not defined!
New AJAX call!
[WARNING] Failed to import pa_color Blue
[WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Clothing
[WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Decor
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility exclude-from-catalog
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility exclude-from-search
[WARNING] Failed to import product_type external
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility featured
[WARNING] Failed to import pa_color Gray
[WARNING] Failed to import pa_color Green
[WARNING] Failed to import product_type grouped
[WARNING] Failed to import pa_size Large
[WARNING] Failed to import pa_size Medium
[WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Music
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility outofstock
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-1
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-2
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-3
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-4
[WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-5
[WARNING] Failed to import pa_color Red
[WARNING] Failed to import product_type simple
[WARNING] Failed to import pa_size Small
[WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Tshirts
[WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Uncategorized
[WARNING] Failed to import product_type variable
[WARNING] Failed to import action-group wc_update_product_lookup_tables
[WARNING] Failed to import action-group woocommerce-db-updates
[WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Accessories
I completely reset our website (Server and DB).
When I try to install Bifrost theme again:
- Neuron Core does not install
- Impossible to import demo
=> Please see attachments.
Then I tried to install Neuron Core manually and I got this error:
"A serious error has occurred on this site. Please check your webmaster email inbox for instructions."
There is really a problem with Neuron Core. I'm totally stuck because of Neuron Core.
Please help.
It seems like your server is blocking the request to our server (503 error), if you access directly the URL you can find the content.xml file.
- https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost/demo-importer/main-demo.xml
So there are two solutions.
1) Contact the hosting provider and explain the issue (503 issue in importing).
2) Save the file from main-demo.xml and go to Dashboard > Tools Import and import the file manually(XML file).
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
I imported manually the xml but here is the log with errors:
Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards