Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #3016618
Header navigation menu icon And Mouse hover type


  • waranyogesh started the conversation

    1.The mouse pointer with a black circle is the hover and scrolling effect done in your portfolio carousel page but i do not see that effect on my page , how do we do that ?

    2 I do not see your demo site header and navigation icon you used  in my site  that svg icon is nowhere included, even if i add the normal hamburger icon for  menu ,the hamburger icon is only displayed in the mobile but in desktop it is not showing ,but in your demo site i see the icon for desktop and mobile version as well.

    3. The header and navigation menu included in the theme is not what I saw  in your preview site 

    4. inside a portfolio item hero image is getting cropped . is there any way to prevent from cropping

    5.I have created the 30 and more  portflios where social share icons linking to your social profile like Facebook and twitter . now I don't see any ways to edit them globally  to link to my social profiles . is there any way to edit them once and  it will reflect in all the 30 plus  portfolios.
    Because i cant edit in each and every portfolio manually for the social media icons like twitter , Facebook , behance.

  • waranyogesh replied

    Hello!!!! will i get a reply for this ticket ? . It has been been 2 days since i posted  it .I have few issues and doubts here and there but I'm hesitant to ask doubts because i got no reply for this very first ticket I made. You gave me a reply for the private ticket but what about this.

    Only if you reply to this questions I could move on and ask other doubts 

  • waranyogesh replied

    6.I could not edit the social icons displayed on the left side of portfolio pages . even if i edit the sideheader 1 template i see no changes. all the social icons are pointing to your social sites.
    IF  set the condition to entire site in side header template , i see two headers overlapping each other.

    How do i edit the social icons to link to my social pages. THE VIDEO BELOW DEMONSTRATES MY PROBLEM

  •  949
    Neuron replied


    I'm so sorry for the late reply, somehow I've missed this ticket.

    1) The cursor pointer is not included in the theme, we've added it only on the site of the theme, but I'll check what can I do to add it on your site.

    2) It seems that the menu icon has failed to be imported, but I've attached it here so you can upload it to your site.

    3) Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on.

    4) Can you please attach here the URL of the portfolio item that you're having this issue with, as there are different layouts of portfolio items I don't know exactly which one you're talking about.

    5) At the Social Icons element, you just have to click on one of the social icons and then there will pop out a field where you can add a link to your social media.


    It's better to add them to the Single Portfolio template, so then it will be applied to all of the 30 portfolio items that you've created.

    6) They're added to the header template, so please go and open the header template on Elementor's editor and then use the page navigator to find the elements of the template and search for the Icon List element, and from there you can edit them.

    - https://ibb.co/qsqgLNx

    Once again, I apologize for the late reply.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   waranyogesh replied privately
  •  949
    Neuron replied


    3) I've just fixed the header template, please take a look at it now.

    4) Please open the portfolio item on Elementor's editor, then use the navigator to find the first section of the page that I renamed "Hero" and go to its Style tab, and there in the background you have the properties of the image position, please play around with values until it fits best for you.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • waranyogesh replied

    Thank you !! Let me have a look

  •  949
    Neuron replied


    Is everything alright?

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • waranyogesh replied

    Hi !  In portfolio carousel page which is my front page , whenever i try to add portfolio item and arrange them according to my preference , it automatically arranges based on title or date but i want to arrange and display item according to my choice not based on time or alphabetical order. This is my home page so i want to display certain items on front.
    Also inside the other pages like people and products page ,the portfolio items are not displayed on the order I add them instead it displays based on the order of date , title which are the only options available on the order settings
    How can i do this ? Below i have attached video of my problem.
    2. I find the about me premade demo page on mobile display inappropriately.(https://yogeshwaranramesh.com/about-me/).it works fine in desktop but in mobile something wrong with that demo page, displaying overlay content
    3. i have also tried creating a new page for about me as single portfolio and found that the post title  and header is displayed but i want to remove the post title and header for this page alone.

  • waranyogesh replied

    Hi! I have a deadline to finish the site today. I finished everything on site now stuck with the display order of portfolio items . kindly if possible reply asap

  •  949
    Neuron replied


    I've just tried to log into your site with the wp-admin that you have sent in the previous reply, but it isn't working anymore, can you please take a look at it, so then I can log into your site and check the issue.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   waranyogesh replied privately
  •  949
    Neuron replied


    1) The portfolio settings are working alright, please take a look at the attached video.

    2) The mobile menu icon was missing on the header template, so I've just added that, please take a look at it.

    3) Please take a look at the following video tutorial on how to create a Single Page template with Neuron Builder.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • waranyogesh replied

    so let me clearly explain my query.

    1. I want certain portfolios to be added to the home page in a very specific order. for example karthi sivakumar needs to be the very first images my viewers need to see. like wise i wanted to added it in a customised order. is there a way. it is very important for me to maintain it that way because that's what makes the profile more appealing to my client. kindly help. i did the same as your video illustrates earlier and its messing my home page order. 

  • waranyogesh replied

    Another doubt!!! 

     2. when i shared my website link on apps like Whatsapp ,   the preview image  is site icon(Favicon) which i want to replace with another image  and size of the preview image is too large but i want my image on link to be small size (for example , when i share my behance page or Instagram page on WhatsApp it automatically generates a link with small pic  that is how i want my website sharable link to be)

    Below i have attached two pictures where the 1st image is how my website sharable link  looks right now on WhatsApp  and the 2nd image is the behance page link shared on WhatsApp exactly like that i want my website link

    **** Note: I have already used Yoast Seo to replace the image with my desired image but the  image looks too large also yoast seems to slow down my site a little bit so i deleted yoast******.

    3. Is there a way to check the visitors to my page?
    Thanks in advance!!

  •  949
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    1) Please go and set the query order to "Date" then go to Dashboard > Portfolio items and change the publish date of the items based on the order you want to have them, this is the only way you can achieve it.


    2) Have you tested it to share other sites on the Whatsapp app, this may not be caused by the theme.

    3) Please take a look at the following articles on how to do it.



    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind regards

  • waranyogesh replied

    Hi !!!
    2) I completely understand  that it might not happen because of  theme but I'm troubled by the big size of the favicon image appearing when shared the link on WhatsApp. 
    So  i uploaded a thumbnail size image  and added the following code in the head section of  header.php  and gave the content attribute value to be the link of the thumbnail size image but it didn't work

    <meta property="og:image" content="https://yogeshwaranramesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/YOGESH-PROFILE8259-100x100-1.jpg" />

    Yes, i have tested  other sites on whatsapp , they do not have  preview of the big favicon images.

    Kindly can u help me with a solution to either have a sharable link with no preview  images or a desired images of small size.

    Thanks in advance :)

  • waranyogesh replied

    Hi !!!! 
    A kind request!!!!
    my clients dont seem to swipe right on the front page (project carousel) of my site. so i want to have an intimidation to swipe right. I thought to have a swipe right text appear as a preloader before the front page loads. is it possible? if yes, kindly  can u share any resources on how to  do this ? 

  •  949
    Neuron replied


    2) Okay, I'll take a look at this and check what I can do to fix it, I'll let you know.

    3) Please go to the carousel settings of the Portfolio element and select the type of navigation that you want.

    - https://ibb.co/ZhHHj66

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards