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  Public Ticket #2977624
Change breadcrumb


  • juneedraza started the conversation

    Hey if you go to the product page you will see a breadcrumb above H1. In the breadcrumb you will see the home page, category page, and product page (home/category/product  | example: Home/soy sax candle/sea salt). If you click on the category (soy wax candle) in the breadcrumb you will be lead to the https://www.bycomos.com/product-cat/soy-wax-candle/. This is the wrong category page. The correct page is https://www.bycomos.com/shop/soywax-candles/. How can this be fixed?

  •   juneedraza replied privately
  •  967
    Neuron replied


    I've just checked it and the breadcrumbs are working as excepted, the links are alright, I've just checked them by going to Dashboard > Product > Categories, and the link of the categories sent me at the same URL as the breadcrumbs did.

    - https://ibb.co/qNyz19k

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • juneedraza replied

    Yes, I know, but I want to change the URL of the breadcrumb. Right now if you click on the category (soy wax candle) it is leading to an archive page: https://www.bycomos.com/product-cat/soy-wax-candle/.  What I want is that if you click on the category of  the product page breadcrumb it has to go to this URL: https://www.bycomos.com/shop/soywax-candles/

  •  967
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    This can be achieved only if we add some custom code to the theme, so we need to add it for each category link to send you to a specific page that you've created for them, and that's the only way that we can achieve it, as the category pages are set on the theme code to have the different URLs.

    So, if you tell me, I'll install will install a plugin that will help me to insert the code and I'll change the links.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards