Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2887052
Neuron Core Plug In not present


  • liftersconnect started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I have installed the theme along with the required plug ins (including Neuron Core) but unfortunately, I cannot see the tab for Neuron core in the dashboard,

    I have reinstalled the plug in but still no luck,

    Could you kindly advise on how I should further troubleshoot this?

    Many Thanks


  •  965
    Neuron replied

    Hi Lewis,

    After you install the Neuron Core plugin you won't have it on Dashboard because all the theme options are at Appearance > Customize.

    - https://prnt.sc/1uvd7yr

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • liftersconnect replied

    Hi Neuron,

    Thanks for the response; although on your knowledge base is instructs to be able to import a demo I need to use the Neuron core plug in,


    Is this no longer relevant? & If so could you provide further detail on how I would import a demo,

    Many thanks


  •  965
    Neuron replied

    Hi Lewis,

    I think you misunderstood it, in that article, it's mentioned the Neuron Builder plugin and not Neuron Core, so in the Neuron Core plugin the import works another way, so first you have to be sure that you've installed all the required plugins by the theme that can be found at Appearance > Install Plugins, then you have to go to Appearance > Import Demo Data to import the demo.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • liftersconnect replied

    It seems where I was going wrong was that I hadn't created and specified the Home page

    Since doing that all demo pages have populated when importing the demo,


  •  965
    Neuron replied

    Glad to know that you've solved itsmile.png, feel free to ask for anything you need.

    If you like our theme, please leave us a rate of 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards,