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  Public Ticket #2867215
How to edit the interactive link demo?


  • chloeJh started the conversation

    Hi, I'm using "interactive link demo" as my homepage, But how can i edit the demo like how can i change every link's background image, and the title? There's a logo img that can't be remove after i upload and removed my logo as i decided to keep it bottom right. And i couldn't find anywhere to edit the neuron wordings too. 

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    1) How to edit the Header Template?

    Please go to the Interactive Links homepage, then hover at the Edit with Elementor button at the top bar and a dropdown menu will appear with the templates that are assigned to that page, so then you have to click on the header template and open it on the Elementor Editor and you can continue to edit.

    - https://prnt.sc/1rjwtxi

    2) How to edit the logo?

    To change the logo you have to go to Elementor Site Settings > Site Identity > Logo.


    3) How to edit the links on the Interactive Links homepage?

    The links on the Interactive Links homepage are currently the titles of the portfolio items and the image that will appear when you hover are the featured image of the portfolio items, so you can change the title and the featured image by going to Dashboard > Portfolio > Portfolio Items, and open them on the editor and you'll see the option for the featured image.


    You can also choose which post type to display on Interactive Links by opening the Interactive Links page on the Elementor Editor, click on the Interactive Post element, go to Query > Source:


    4) How to edit the Neuron Copyright text?

    Please open the Interactive Links homepage on Elementor Editor, then click on the navigator icon and find the text element on the very first section of the homepage and edit it.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • chloeJh replied

    Thanks, I'm trying, but i couldn't find the place to get rid of the neuron 2021 wordings and the site logo i'm not able to adjust the size. When I enter the header editor which showed on the second screenshot, is it suppose to be like that? 

    Hmmm, is really quite hard to navigate. I will try, but just ask in advance, if is possible to refund if I really can't adopt the theme?

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    1) The logo size can be changed by going to the Style tab of the Site Logo, please check the attached screenshot.


    2) Sorry if I wasn't clear on how to edit the Neuron Copyright text, the text is placed inside the page, not in the header, so you have to open the Interactive Links homepage on the Elementor Editor, then use the navigator to find the very first section and inside that section is placed the Neuron Copyright.

    The text will call the Current Date Time as and the Neuron is added as a before the text, so then you don't have to worry for the year to change it in the future (https://prnt.sc/1rkaooj), but if you want to remove it and write your custom text, you can do it just by clicking on the "X" icon (https://prnt.sc/1rkasqr).

    We would be glad to help you to solve anything that you'll find hard in the Otivar theme, you can take a look at the Documentation of the theme, also at the Video Tutorials, where you'll find anything you need to know on working with the Neuron Builder and Otivar Theme.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • chloeJh replied

    Hi, I can find the neuron word editor, issue is I can't edit.

    Also, I've enlarged the logo size to fullest..and yet so small. And the interactive link wordings clashed with the header editor...should the editor to be like this?

  • chloeJh replied

    Hi, how can i set the Interactive link's background image as currently it's white? Thank you.

    How can i make the texts in 2 columns like the demo? 

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on, and help you to configure how to edit the Interactive Links page.

    1) As I've told you before the text is placed inside the page, not in the header, so you have to open the Interactive Links homepage on the Elementor Editor, then use the navigator to find the very first section and inside that section is placed the Neuron Copyright.

    The text will call the Current Date Time as and the Neuron is added as a before the text, so then you don't have to worry for the year to change it in the future (https://prnt.sc/1rkaooj), but if you want to remove it and write your custom text, you can do it just by clicking on the "X" icon (https://prnt.sc/1rkasqr).

    Please use the navigator so it will be easier for you to understand which components are on the page.

    2) The hover of the link will display the featured image of the portfolio, so make sure that you've set the featured image to all of the links.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   chloeJh replied privately
  •  966
    Neuron replied


    1) I've set the Image Size to Full and I've added width of 300px to the logo, and the changes are appearing as soon as I made one.

    - https://prnt.sc/1rm27dj

    - https://prnt.sc/1rm29vj

    2) I've added that image on the background of the Interactive Links (https://prnt.sc/1rm2cpk), so do you want to remove the other images on hover, or do you want to keep them as it is now.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • chloeJh replied

    Hi,thanks for your help. I would like to remain other images as it is when hover over. But i would like to replace the white background with this the image you put in, which means i do not want it to appear white background when nothing is hovered. Is that achievable?


  • chloeJh replied

    Hi, I saw the background you set. Thanks for that, mind to share where to change it, so i'll learn? Another 2 qn:

    1. How can the wordings be aligned in 2 columns instead of the current 3 columns?

    2. Other than "portfolio companies", how can i unlink the other category links? I notice that "Business" has a link to another page, while "incubation" links to another page. In the demo site, it seems only link to 1 page. Where can i find these hyperlinks?

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    1) You can change the background of the section by going to the Style tab of the section > Background > Image. 


    You can use the navigator to find the second section of the page.

    2) To make the layout 2 columns I've added the following code at the Interactive Post element > Advanced tab > Custom CSS.

    @media (min-width: 720px) {
        selector .m-neuron-interactive-posts__item {
            width: 48%;

    3) You can remove a category from a portfolio by opening the portfolio on WordPress editor, scrolling down to the Portfolio Categories section, and uncheck the box of the category that you want to remove.



    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • chloeJh replied

    Hi, thank you so much for the help. 

    As all the wordings are long, it's suppose to be "business incubation, fund management...etc". I have no other better way, so I made use of the category as part of the name, which creates a very nice bold and thin, big and small effect :)) however, I do not want it to have hyperlink at the moment. How can i remove both "business" and "incubation" hyperlinks?

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    To exclude a project from the Interactive Link you have to go to the Query options of the Interactive Links element, and at the Exclude tab select "Manual Select" and then a field will appear where you can choose which posts you want to exclude.

    - https://prnt.sc/1rq6900

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • chloeJh replied

    Hi, I think you misunderstood my question, I'd like to unlink the circle items (refer to screenshot) for now, I tried what you mentioned to exclude tabs, but this way the item will disappeared, and replaced with other items (refer to screenshots). 

    If this way doesn't work, is there a way to arrange the texts layout exactly but not using portfolio? 

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    I've just logged into your website to make that change that you're willing, but I saw that you're currently editing the page (https://prnt.sc/1s19pki), so I'll send you some CSS code and you have to insert it at the Advanced Tab of the Interactive Posts element > Custom CSS field.

    selector .m-neuron-interactive-posts__title,
    selector .m-neuron-interactive-posts__meta-data {
        pointer-events: none;

    - https://prnt.sc/1s19zmr

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • chloeJh replied

    Hi, i've put in the code, however the portfolio tab was disabled too. 

    1. I'd like the "portfolio" tab (circled in screenshot) to link to "simple portfolio" demo page.

    2. How to disable the link for the "simple portfolio" demo page?

    3. Other than the design, the more I think the theme is not so suitable for me as it's not so flexible for someone who doesn't know coding (like me). Just asking if it's possible to request for refund? Within how long of the purchase?

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    1) The items that are currently displaying on the Interactive Links homepage are portfolio items, so if you want that the "Portfolio" item to send you to the "Simple Portfolio" demo page, you have to redirect the "Portfolio" to that page, but don't worry about it, because I've already done it.


    I've also made the "Portfolio" item clickable.

    2) This also requires some CSS code to add, so I'm going to add it to the Advanced tab of the Element > Custom CSS.

    3) You don't need to know coding in order to use our theme, we implement CSS only for some extra customizations that we can't afford with theme options, like the one you've asked before to make the portfolio items on the Interactive Links homepage unclickable, we would be more glad to assist you with help and to solve your issues, but also to help you know on how to work with WordPress and our theme.

    you can take a look at the Documentation of the theme, also at the Video Tutorials, where you'll find anything you need to know on working with the Neuron Builder and Otivar Theme.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards