Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2827441
Import Failed


  • fucine started the conversation

    I'm testing Bifrost on https://bifrost.tst.fucine.it/ and when I try to import any demo I see:


    So it seem that our server is not able to get this: https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost/demo-importer/homepages/classic/classic-agency.xml
    In fact:

    This is kinda annoying. Any way to have that import utility to properly working?


    Perhaps this could depend on mod_security being in place:

    [Fri Jul 16 11:29:02 2021] [error] [client] ModSecurity: Warning. [Rule: 'REQUEST_FILENAME' '!@pmFromFile path_excludes'] [id "77140992"] [msg "IM360 WAF: Suspicious access attempt (WP folders)!||SC:/home/tstfucine/subdomains/bifrost/wp-admin/options.php||T:LITESPEED||REQUEST_URI:/wp-admin/options.php||"] [severity "NOTICE"] [tag "service_i360custom"] [tag "noshow"] [hostname "bifrost.tst.fucine.it"] [uri "/wp-admin/options.php"], referer: https://bifrost.tst.fucine.it/wp-admin/options-general.php

    Let me disable the 77140992 rule ID for that domain, and I'll be back to you soon after.

    Thanks, e.-

  • fucine replied

    Nope, neither after having done that:

    Rebuilding and restarting Apache:
    Built /etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf OK
    [OK] Send SIGUSR1 to 515487

    As per:


    Still getting this:


    Any idea? Thanks, e.-

  • fucine replied

    From https://neuronthemes.ticksy.com/ticket/2824585/I got this:

    2) Save the file from main-demo.xml and go to Dashboard > Tools Import and import the file manually(XML file).

    So I did it:


    Seems to have worked. Anyway: is there a way to fix this from your side?

    Thanks, e.-

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    This happened because you haven't activated the WooCommerce plugin, if need the WooCommerce plugin on your website, please reset your WordPress and activate all the required plugins by the theme that can be found at Appearance > Install Plugins, but also install the WooCommerce plugin, then try to import the demo data again, otherwise if you are not going to use the WooCommerce plugin, you can just ignore those errors.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • fucine replied

    I've restored the site from an Installatron backup.

    And nope: WooCommerce was already installed, as per (taken after restore):


    There are only updates, but those 2 plugins were already installed:


    Going to revert back site to latest snapshot.

    Thanks, e.-

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   fucine replied privately
  •  966
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    Can I please reset your WP and import the demo again for you, have you created any page that you don't want to lose, if not, then I can reset your WP and import the demo again.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • fucine replied

    Not a problem. Not at all. The one we're referring to is just a test environment. The real site - the one I'm developing with Bifrost - is hosted elsewhere, and not publicly accessible. In the end the import process worked as suggested in that other ticket, and that was all we need. All the best, e.-

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Glad to knowsmile.png

    So there's no need to reset your WP, right?

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • fucine replied

    No need at all. That site is sandbox/staging/testing. It might be live burned and I wouldn't miss a single bit of it.
    I'll use it only for allowing you to see what I see in real developing site, after having exported there and imported here. Anyway I will pass you, sooner or later, the info on local DNS resolver override (/etc/hosts), so that you can see what is actually happening in real/development site, under the "fucine.it" domain. And we're talking about a MS/MU WP setup, anyway. This way there wouldn't be any need of using https://bifrost.tst.fucine.it/ as interchange. For your records: in that production VPS the data/demo import utilities work perfectly.
    Cheers, e.-

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    We're sorry for the late reply,

    We're glad that now everything is working alright, if anything goes wrong again, please contact us so we can help you.

    Warmest Regards,