Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2772809
Responsive slides issue


  • spider-web started the conversation

    I already asked you and you informed that the recommended size for Shop Creative slider is 1480x625, so I made these 3 pictures in such size. It works fine for Desktop, but not for TabletPC and mobile screens: the image do not resizes and looks really bad.
    How can I solve the problem? I tried different ImageSettings on Slider Revolution, but I could't find the right one. 

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Sorry for the late reply,

    You can take a look at this video on how to work with responsive on Slider Revolution, but if you can't manage to fix it, you can provide me with your wp-admin, so I can take a look at it.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • spider-web replied

    A very useful video  - thank you! 
    However, the video doesn't explain how to create a responsive background (but explains very well how to create titles). Even in this video, I see the same problem I have: the wallpaper doesn't change, and some views (like TabletPC or mobile) show the wrong part of the image.
    I will send wp-admin in private, please take a look at it.

    By the way, I got Slider Revolution 6.2.22 version with One Click Demo Import package and it is bit different than in this video (they use 6.0.0 version). The older version had Intelligent Inheriting feature, which not available (or moved in some other place) in the new one.

  •   spider-web replied privately
  •  966
    Neuron replied


    We're so sorry for the late reply, we had some holidays in our country.

    Please go to that slider revolution template > Slider Settings > Background > Background Fit, and there you can change the background image position, if you set it to contain, it will fit alright for responsive.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • spider-web replied

    Wondering in which country are you? I noticed that the time difference is quite big.

    Thank you for suggestion. I did as you offered, but seems that's no so easy - it fix one problem but another one arises: now I have empty space on top and bottom of the picture (please find attached), the height of the background image is lower than the slide box...

    Does it means that I need to use the different size of background picture (different than recommended size for Shop Creative slider is 1480x625)? Or should I somehow rearrange the theme to cover the entire slide with a picture, including the 01/ 02 / 03 slide display numbers below? I can't set a different background picture position for each screen type (desktop/notebook/tabletPC/mobile), but I can rearrange the heading size and positions. But how to make that 01/ 02 / 03 slide display numbers (I don't see these in Slider Revolution) will appear in the right place?

  •  966
    Neuron replied


     I apologize for the late reply we were not working on the weekend.

    We're based in Europe with GMT + 1 time.

    We could make another solution for this one, so as we found it hard to fix the background for responsive devices, we can keep the Slider Revolution template for Desktop and tablet mode, and for mobile mode, we can set the Slider Revolution template to be hidden, so we can display the product via the Media Gallery element, so we can add the image of product, title, category and add the URL to the media.

    So if this sounds like a good solution to you, and you can't manage to do it yourself, please tell me so I can help you with that.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • spider-web replied

    Looks like we don't have other solution (there is no possibility to use different background image for mobile only?), so let's try as you offering.
    Just I didn't quite understand how / what will be displayed in the mobile version and whether that image of product would be displayed in the same place where the slide is now? I know how to set the Slider Revolution template to be hidden on mobile, but I don't know how to make Media Gallery element in the same place as slide is now. Could you help, please?

  •  966
    Neuron replied


    Sorry for the late reply,

    You can go to the Advanced tab of the Slider Revolution element on the page(or if you're displaying it via the Shortcode) > Responsive > Hide for Mobile, and it will be hidden.

    And then add the Media Gallery element, and go to Advanced tab > Responsive > Hide for Desktop & Hide for Tablet.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards