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  Public Ticket #2764231
How to disable Image optimization?


  • Hossein started the conversation


    I would liked to know how can I disable image optimization? When I upload images to my media library, images are fine. But after I import them with Elementor to my page they get resized and optimized.

    I do not want my images to be resized and optimized. How can I disable this optimization feature? 

    It is very important for my content to be presented as I export them from photoshop. Sorry I'm a beginner at WordPress and I really don't know if it's WordPress or the template that does that.

    I have followed some advices from internet such as adding the following code in functions.php > "add_filter('jpeg_quality', function($arg){return 100;});add_filter('wp_editor_set_quality', function($arg){return 100;});" ...... but still my images get resized and optimized, although I re-upload them again.  

    I would appreciate your help,

    Thank You! :) 

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Hossein,

    I am sorry for the late reply, we did not work on the weekend.

    I have attached a screenshot that shows the image in full size( if 1920 is the full size ).

    Is the resolution of the image higher or you want to keep 'Full' for the default option of the image?

    Kind Regards

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  • Hossein replied


    Thank you for your reply,

    My uploaded image in media library is 2448x1080 in this case and after I add it to my page through Elementor it optimizes and resizes to 1920x847 and pixels are so blurry. 

    I would like to see the original image that I have unloaded to my media library, on my website. My plan is to upload even higher resolution than 2k to my portfolio so it would be great if I could have no resize & optimization process on my images. 

    Thank you so much,



  •  962
    Neuron replied

    Hi Hossein,

    Sorry for the late reply,

    If you display your images via the Media Gallery element you can resize them and they won't get blurry, check the attached screenshot.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • Hossein replied


    Sorry I don't think this is addressing my issue ..

    1. I do not want my images to get resized. I have mentioned this in my earlier comments. 

    2. Whatever size I choose from the presets, it still get's blurry and optimized. (attached image)  

  • Hossein replied


    I managed to upload the correct size through "Custom" option BUT, my images still gets optimized. it's not the original quality and it's still blury and not acceptable for presentation to my clients. Please note that this is very important for my content that they do not get optimized. I do not care about performance of my website that how fast images can load, but I do care about having the original quality of my images.   

    Is there anywhere in the codes to manage the level of optimization? I feel like it's being optimized by percentage. Like whatever I upload the template optimize around 30% of the original quality. So if quality of my original image is 100%, the uploaded file is around 70% of my original image. 

    If you look at the attached image you can see the the original image, and the one I have downloaded from my website. 

    I would really appreciate if you could help me with this please. this is very important for me.

    Thank you     

  •  962
    Neuron replied

    Hi Hossein,

    Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, I will have a quick look to see what's going on?

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   Hossein replied privately
  •  962
    Neuron replied

    Hi Hossein,

    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    Please create a new section, set the section height to "Fit To Screen", then go to the Style tab > Background > Image and add your image, set the image position to "center center", repeat to "no-repeat" and size to "contain", and the image will be uploaded just alright, I've just tried it on your website and could clearly see the difference between it and the other that was displayed via the image element.

    I've created it on the "Skull Study" item and left it there just as a sample for you if you want to use it or not.


    - https://prnt.sc/12r9kr3



    I also recommend you update the Bifrost theme and Neuron Core plugin to the latest versions.

    Bifrost Theme Version 2.2.0
    Neuron Core Plugin 2.1.6

    You can update the theme directly on your dashboard, via the plugin below: 


    So when you update the theme, please delete the Neuron Core plugin and install it again by going to Appearance > Install Plugins. It's already included in the theme.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • Hossein replied


    Thank you so much for the help. Really appreciate it and my problem is solved. I'm using my images as background then and it's not optimizing my images! Yayy!!  

    Just a question out of curiosity, is there any way to manage the quality of the images through the previous way and stop the optimization? I'm sooo curious to know what is causing this optimization? 🤓

    Again thank you so much and my problem is solved! :)

    Have a great day


  •  962
    Neuron replied

    Hi Hossein,

    When you upload an image WP automatically saves the original file plus it also creates a series of thumbnails in different sizes. These smaller images will then be uses on your theme templates when needed in order to load the optimum size image every time and improve the load speed of your site.

    By default, WordPress saves the “full” size, “large”, “medium” and “thumbnail”, and you can control the px size of these from Settings -> Media.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • Hossein replied

    Ah, I see, thank you for the explanation! 

  •  962
    Neuron replied

    You are welcome anytime, feel free to ask for anything you need

    If you like our theme, please leave us a rate of 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards, 

  • Hossein replied

    Sure I have Rated 5 Start the day I purchased it! :) 

    Thank you,
