Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2702468
Problems with the translation of the portfolio items with the WPML plugin


  • cmarclos started the conversation

    Good morning, 

    I am having problems with the translation of the portfolio items with the WPML plugin.  

    I have managed to translate the menu into English (having translated the portfolio items and the corresponding pages before).

    Now the problem I have is that I have done something wrong because when I go to the "English menu" section, the portfolio items appear on the home page but they come out without the image and without the corresponding content ...  

    I have spoken with the WPML plugin support and they tell me that (Attached their mail, but I copy it translated because it is in Spanish):

    "Unfortunately, your Bifrost theme is not on the list of supported themes, which you can see here:

    I suggest you contact Jetwoobuilder support and ask if your theme is WPML compatible.

    You can also suggest that they join our 'Go Global' program (https://wpml.org/documentation/theme-compatibility/go-global-program/) where our compatibility developers will help them make your theme 100% compatible with WPML. for free."

    I don't understand why they tell me that the Bifrost theme is not compatible if when I bought it it said that it is (attached image).

    Could you help me see what am I doing wrong?

    I need to implement the translation of this website as soon as possible!



  •  675
    Neuron replied


    Can you please let us know if you're running on the latest version of Bifrost & Neuron Core Bifrost? 

    We have addressed some issues with updates.

    Bifrost: 2.1.9
    Neuron Core Bifrost: 2.1.6

    How to update the theme?

    A) You can update it manually, by activating another theme, deleting old Bifrost, and uploading it again.

    B) Using auto-update plugin from Envato. https://envato.com/market-plugin/

    How to update the plugin?

    Remove the plugin after you install the latest version of Bifrost Theme, go to Appearance > Install Plugin and install it again.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

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  •   cmarclos replied privately
  •  966
    Neuron replied


    I'm really sorry for the late reply, we were not working at the weekend and one of our support agents that had responsibility for your ticket was on holiday.

    Can you please check the article below about this issue.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • cmarclos replied

    Can you please access my Wordpress configuration panel directly and make the corresponding checks?

    The article you sended me is not good for solving my problem.

    When I access Portfolio / All Portfolio Items to see the list, I see that I have 36 portfolio in Catalan and 36 portfolio items in English. But if you go from the website through the menu and you try to access to the projects in English, you will see that the item appears but neither the photo nor the content is seen.

    Do you understand what my problem is?

    I need the English version of the Projects section ("Projectes" in Catalan) to look the same as in the Catalan version but translated!

    Have you seen what they told me from WPML support?

    You had always helped me very well and this time you are not understanding me or you are not knowing how to help me.

    I urgently need to solve this but every message you send me is useless...

    Please, try to see what is happening or put me in touch with another person who can help me.



  •  966
    Neuron replied


    I'm seeing that you've managed to solve it, can you please tell me how did you solve it?

    - https://prnt.sc/10bfkb8

    - https://prnt.sc/10bfkwd

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards