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  Public Ticket #2655679
update Bifrost but child not update correctly


  • ywitczak007 started the conversation


    To solve a bug in the "Media Gallery" (loop work in Edito but make a strange "reverse effect" on the page), i decide to update my Bifrost theme :  > from version 2.1.4 to version 2.1.8

    But after that i see this error on my admin's themes page : 

    Thèmes endommagés

    Les thèmes suivants sont installés mais incomplets.

    DescriptionBifrost ChildLe thème parent est manquant. Merci d’installer le thème parent « bifrost/bifrost ».

    What can i do to recover my link between my theme and its child ?
    Or should i do something else ?

    Thanks in advance for you quick answer !
    (my customer would like to put there new website online tomorrow)

  • ywitczak007 replied

    After having update the theme, I have used the DELETE button in front of this error message :
    >> despite being a little afraid of it 
    >> and after activate and configuring a new theme's child : it's working back (my configurations of the theme's child reappear by magic)

    Very strange way of that work !!

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply.

    Glad to know that it got back, feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

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  • ywitczak007 replied

    Yes a have questions :
    > is-it normal this error message ?
    > is-it normal that I have to delete the child's theme ?
    I thinked that a child's theme is done to avoid all problem when we update a theme !!

    And despite i solve myself this problem : an other problem appears after updating the theme :
    > my custom font have been deleted : i have to re-install it

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    The child theme is necessary when you want to change the code itself without touching the parent theme.

    If you don't plan on doing that, you can remove the child theme and keep only the main theme.

    Kind Regards

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