I am sorry for the late reply, we did not work on the weekend.
Sure, feel free to ask for anything that you need, we're here to help
1) That will simply assign it as the front page, other pages will still be visible from you or from Google Indexing. So, leave your desired home page as the front page and follow the steps below.
Save a template as ‘Maintenance Mode’ page, or use one of our pre-designed templates
Go to Elementor > Tools
Choose between Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode
Pick the template for the Maintenance Mode
2) Usually there is displayed the posts element with all respective elements, but since your website was not a clean install there could be a conflict, so please paste there the posts element and in the query section select portfolio or your desired element, make sure that you have installed and activated all required plugins, especially Neuron Core & Elementor.
3) Unfortunately the URL sends me directly to the demo, you can visit it directly at: https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost and send me the desired URL, if the posts element does not appear in Elementor you probably did not install the Neuron Core plugin.
4) There's an option called OFFSET, the location of the option is at the page settings and at the Appearance > Customize > General > Layout. You can give the page for example an offset of 300px, same as the header size, if you need further help with this one, please let me know.
Feel free to ask for anything that you need.
Kind Regards
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thanks for all the answers. I should probably have waited for your answer before starting to work on the website, using bifröst. My bad. So, let's take it slow this time. A clean WP would be very nice, as I imagine. that all the imported child themes will work fine and it will be quicker for me to make the page work and look as I want it to. So, to do that, I should better use LocalWP, am I right? Here are some questions:
Blanc WP | Would creating a blank WordPress also mean losing the contents of my media library? Or may I get to keep them somehow?
Metro Portfolio | if everything works fine this time, after importing and activating the Metro Portfolio child theme, I will probably get it's optics, only with the big and small squres being Placeholders, rather then real projects, right? After that, I have to add every single Portfolio project as a separate object and give it the wished size (big or small sqare)?
Portfolio Projects | Where can I setup my portfolio projects and get them to look like the image attached? It's the single project template, where the images are fairly large and get scrolled, while the sticky text remains visible while scrolling down.
New Pages | How do I get to setpu new pages (like Contact, About me etc) - do I have to use a template, or may I start them from scratch?
Menu | As I couldn't see that in the demo page, I wanted to ask what happens with the side menu, once I go to a contact page, for example? Does it stay where it is or does it go on the top? I'm not a pro web-designer, but I can imagine it being confusing to the users to look for a menu at different locations, so I guess it's better it just stays on the side and the Contact page opens where now the Metro Portfolio is. Can this be done?
1) It's supposed to be blank at all, but if you want you can keep the media files that you've imported.
2) Yes, you're right about that. When you import the Metro Portfolio page, you have the options to select the posts you want to show also the width that that post will cover, in this case, the width you need to choose with columns, so 12 columns will show the post as a single column in the page, the 6 columns will show it as 1/2 of the column, and so on and so forth.
3) That portfolio sample that you're wanting to use is Side Portfolio v7, so after you've imported the demo data, please install the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin, and then duplicate the Side Portfolio v7 project and use it as many times as you want.
4) You can create them by going to Dashboard > Pages > Add New, and then you can edit them with Elementor, or you can import any of the Contact pages or About pages that are included in the demo imported by going to Appearance > Import Demo Data.
5) You can choose if you want to use the same header on all pages if you want that, you can go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Layout and select the header template that you want to show on the website, but make sure that you've set the header to inherit at page settings, and either if you want to have different headers for different pages, please go and edit that page that you want to have a different header and select the header that you want to use at Header > Type.
what I did so far was download WP Reset and use its tools to: . delete all themes . delete all plugins . delete all transients . empty the custom tables
I did that in an effort to keep my blogposts, but mostly my media library.
After that I uploaded and installed Bifröst, the way it's shown in the short video in the documentation. Installed the child themes and the plugins needed. If I set Metro Portfolio as a Main page this time it shows the placeholders etc. But now Elementor won't start - it remains stuck in the gray loading screen with the logo. Going into safe mode doesn't help and it's also not an issue with the memory available, as my php memory limit is at "-1". I tried manually setting it up to 256Mb via the wp-config.php, but that didn't solve the issue either... Using Firefox instead of Chrome also wasn't the solution. Do you have any idea how to deal with that issue?
Side Menu Classic Header | it still hovers over the portfolio and the footer, even though I did these steps: in Customize > Header > Layout I have the Visibility: Show / Type: Template / Template: Side Menu Classic / Position: Static / Transparency: Normal, then under Customize > General > Site the Body Offset is On, with a left value of 350px (see screenshot); Main Page Header options are set to inherit (see screenshot); What I'm I still missing?
Thumbnail Resizer | the Posts section has a Thumbnail resizer, that only seems to work, when set to "Thumbnail - 150 x 150", but of course this way the image is greatly pixelated and bad to look at; Even though the uploaded image has a size of 1920 x 1440 pixel, all the resiing templates (like "Large - 1024 x 1024") don't do anything, but leave the image in it's original rectangular aspect ratio - how come?
Logo | Where can I adjust the Logo font or maybe even import an image instead? (if you again took a look at the Offset screenshot, you'll see Helldoo Visual Studio, being too long to fit in one line...
after installing the portfolio pages and the Yoast Duplicate Post Plugin, I wanted to start making the portfolio entries, based on the Side Portfolio v7 template. I duplicated it, gave it a name ("Tramway 21") and was able to change the text. What I cannot manage to do is:
replace the Placeholder images with actual images (if I click on an image, it just gets enlarged)
replace the italics "Lorem ipsum dolor."-text under the title
Change those Website and Services sections
Also, suddenly the footer here is black even though it's set to "inherit".
And a last question - when I get all this small problems out of the way, can I save it as a new template somehow or do I just duplicate it via Yoast for the future portfolio posts?
Thanks a lot! I can prepare all my portfolio pages now!
Did you manage to log in and take a look at the other problems (menu offset, thumbnail resize) - may these occur, because of the not fully blank start? Even though I deleted all themes and plugins?
I apologize that I've forgotten those other questions,
1) For the thumbnails I've changed the layout to Masonry, so now you have to regenerate the thumbnails, follow the instructions below to regenerate thumbnails.
Go to Tools > Regen. Thumbnails and press the button Regenerate All Thumbnails.
2) Where are you setting the offset, make sure that you're setting it to the header section that will be displayed on mobile and tablet, and you need to set the offset at the mobile field on Nav Menu element.
I'll gladly install and apply the Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin, but I actually really want the Metro Portfolio - won't it work there? Also, when I set it up correctly on Mobile, then it will also look as it's supposed to on desktop - is that what you're saying?
Btw, Teo is enough for me - no need to be too formal =]
Okay, sorry for that, as you want to use the metro layout you don't need the thumbnail resizer, because you can choose which size will a post cover, for example, at the metro layout you can select the columns of a post, if you set the post to cover 12 columns it will be shown as one post per column, if you set it to 6 columns it will be displayed as 1/2 of the column and so on and so forth, so if you want to have 3 posts in a row with fixed height, you can set the columns to 4 for each post.
Hi! the thing with the width is not a problem at all - it works fine! The problem is, that I want the images to be cut in a 1:1 aspect. I found the option in Elementor (Thumbnail Resizer), but only the 150x150 made my image quadratic. All the other options I chose (300x300, Large 1024x1024 or even Custom) did leave the image in its original aspect ratio, which is rectangular. (The image size is not the problem, as the uploaded image is 1920x1440.) if not in 1:1 aspect ratio of the thumbnails, the masonary portfolio will start looking messy, especially as some of my images are in portrait and others - in landscape mode. So I have two options - either make it work as supposed to (automatic cropping in 1:1 aspect) or I have to upload an additional quadratic image every time along with the others.
I now installed Regenerate Thumbnails and let it run on my whole Media Library. The plugin seems to be creating all the thumbnails needed, so maybe it will work afterwards. I'll keep you updated.
Update: Nope, Regenerating the Thumbnails didn't help. The cover image still doesn't get cropped in 1:1 even though I tried different quadratic image sizes in the Elementor Thumbnail tab. Funny enough, if I set up the Image Size to 150x150 or 300x300 it works - the image becomes quadratic, but it's very pixelated, of course...
I've just checked your website and the regenerated thumbnails are working with all of the layout types, please can you check it again and tell me if it's also looking alright for you.
you probalby saw, that it looked right, as I had the Thumbnail Resizer set to "Woocommerce Thumbnail - 300 x 300". Now I attach a screenshot on how it looks, when I set the Thumbnail Resizer to large or something larger than 300 x 300, even though my uploaded images are large enough to be cropped in the wished size...
Also, here are some other questions:
the sidemenu | I still cannot manage to make the offset happen
logo | is it possible to have a logo instead of a page name in the upper left corner of the side menu? overlay | is it possible to have different effects on mouseover, while hovering on the Metro Portfolio? Like maybe have the images be in black and white (s/w) by default and getting them colourful on Mouseover?
1) But that's happening because of the metro layout because you've set the columns to them, if you change it to Masonry it will work alright.
2) Can you please sent me a screenshot of where are you setting the offset.
3) Yes, you can do that, all you need to do is to edit that Side Menu Classic header, and then remove the Site title element and add the Site logo.
4) I've set the hover visibility to hide at the style tab of the post element, then I've added the following code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to make the images black and white on hover.
1) So it's not possible to have a Metro Layout, when the Featured image of the Project isn't in 1:1 ratio? I thought, that Elementor's Thumbnail Resizer can do exactly that - crop the images to a wished format, so that rectangular images can still make a neat Metro Portfolio of big and small squares.
2) Screenshot included. The screenshot you sent me earlier today I still cannot find in Elementor. Also, I seem to have less options in the Customizer compared to what's shown in a video in the FAQ section.
3) Do I open the front page, click on Edit with Elementor and then Select the Side Menu Classic or do I do that somewhere else?
4) Thanks a lot! I want it exaclty the other way around - images being grayed out by dafault and becoming colourful on mouseover. (gotta admit I have to test it out first - can happen to look like an obituary in the end, but it also may end up looking calmer, like the images you used for the demo of the Metro Portfolio)
on my research for why the resizer isn't working, I tooks some screenshots from the Chrome Console, after pressing the RMB > Inspect on one of the Metro Portfolio images, that didn't get cropped, although the Thumbnail Resizer of Elementor is on and set to a 1:1 aspect. Maybe some of these screenshot may help?
Btw, the Resizer doesn't work with the Masonary portfolio either. There is a problem somewhere. All the best! Teo
Here's another something, that I can't figure the reasons why it's happening:
A.) on a project page, the description text is kinda pushed in and not aligned with the headings; this textblock is the only Elementor element on this page, but I cannot push it back to align with the res B.) the social icons in the side menu have the right margin on the side (12), but not from the bottom? Interesting is, that in the elementor preview, while setting the social icons up, they have the bottom margin. Once I exit elementor, they suddenly lose it.
You can ask us for anything you need, we're here yo help you
1) I am so sorry for this big misunderstanding, now I know what do you want to achieve with the offset, there's another way how you can fix this, please go and edit your pages with Elementor, and at the page settings style tab, add a padding-left same as is the size of the header.
1) That did it. Finally! Thanks for that! Now I have to do it on every single page, right? Including the Side Portfolio v7 pages?
2) Let's see if we manage to find a solution for the second issue, too. I didn't misunderstand you here - it makes a lot of sense, that the cropping should be smaller than the image and the image that gets cropped should be larger than the wished cropping. But I try to resize an image, that is 1920x1440 px, into thumbnails, that are 1024x1024. So the cropping should be successful, right? But on the attached screenshot you can see it's not.
3) As I don't know if you're currently planing or perhaps already answering, but did you see the questions on the slight dislocations of the single post page textblock and the social media icons in the bottom of the Header?
4) You were very nice to add the Custom CSS to make the portfolio images go grayscale on mouseover? Would you be so kind to provide me with the CSS to make it the other way around - the images being grayscaled by default and getting colourful on mouseover?
5) Is there a way to make the gap between the four coloumns in the footer and the Copyright in the bottom smaller?
To 1) I'm not sure that's the best solution. I just want my fornt page to look like this one - https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost/metro-portfolio/ - exactly like it. On the Metro Portfolio demo page, when you make the browser window smaller, everything rescales good. With the solution you gave me, the left pagination remains constant and it looks bad in a smaller window. See screenshot attached. Can you just tell me how it's done on the metro-portfolio demo page?
So, as I thought, that maybe it's my fault, that this things don't work properly, as I didn't make a full reset, I did one now. I downloaded Advanced WP Reset and did a full database reset. Sadly though, even after a clean install, the problem with the side menu, hovering over the Metro Portfolio still persists. Update | The thumbnail problem isn't anymore, as this time Bitfrost Image Size 1-4 are available and with Size 2 - 1000x1000 px it looks good. The dented in textfield on the Side Portfolio template and the social media buttons at the bottom of the Side Menu Header are still an issue.
Hey there and a Happy New Year - may 2021 be a healthier and bring us all back to normality!
Thanks for all your answers so far - really appreciate it! I know it was a lot of them to deal with, but I think we're through for the most part. What remains is more of minor stuff, but it will be great if we took care of it, too. I'll do my best to explain as good as I can and will also try uploading a screenshot to make the topics more 'visible'. I don't need the answer too quickly - I prefer you took your time and went throught them carefully, so that we clear them out once and for all. As the questions are numbered, you can also gladly send me the answers one by one, so that you don't spend too much time answering at once. Here we go:
Header: Side menu position | You had added the 300px left padding under Body Style in the Post Settings - thanks for that. I changed it to 340px, to also get some padding between the header and the portfolio items, as it is also shown on the Metro Portfolio Demo Page (look at red markings on the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we3qu6). This way I get the same optics on my page as on the Metro Portfolio demo page. That is good. Explicitly setting a padding value of "0" (zero) for the tablet and smartphone was also a good solution. So, the only issue that i still have with the Header positioning are the moments before transfering to tablet mode. Done with the Metro Portfolio page, the padding between header and portfolio looks like this (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we4cp7) and on my page it looks like this (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we4dwf). Can we fix that somehow? Can you possibly give me the Metro Portfolio exact setup of the Header?As I still think, that something's not quite the same as in the demo.
Grayscale Portfolio Gallery | this issue is resolved - thanks for that! I kept the code, but put it in "/* */" to deactivate it. I guess it looks better with the images being colourful, but it's nice to have it there, if I changed my mind someday. So, thanks again - this certain case is closed.
Header: Social media icons | the Classic Side Menu offers a set of social media icons, placed at the bottom - really like them there! On the Metro Portfolio demo page, they have a certain pagination from the bottom - https://prnt.sc/we4ggy. On my page however, they're stuck in the very bottom, without any padding - https://prnt.sc/we4ht5. Interesting enough, before exiting Elementor, they look how they should (with padding from the bottom) - https://prnt.sc/we4l1e. But once I exit Elementor, they are again placed at the very bottom - https://prnt.sc/we4ll8. What can I do to make sure the social media icons in the bottom of the Header have a padding from the bottom? By the way, kinda same thing happens, when I use Customizing > General > Site and enable a Left Body Offset (of 340px) there (https://prnt.sc/we4nd2) - it looks fine, until I close Customizing (I don't forget to press Publish, before doing so). Sounds like a general problem, what do you think?
Side Portfolio v7: Textbox padding | On the demo page of Side Portfolio v7, all the text elements are aligned (screenshot - https://prnt.sc/we64vk). On my portfolio pages, the textblock (the only Elementor thing on the page) is pushed in a bit (screenshot - https://prnt.sc/we66jy). How can I "push" the textblock back in to make it align with the rest of the texts?
Side Portfolio v7: "Back to Portfolio"-Button | Once scrolled down to the end of the single portfolio page, there is a Previous/Next- and a Back to Portfolio-Button (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we6edm). Where can I setup the adress link this button leads to, because I want it to bring me back to the front (home) page?
Metro Portfolio: Possible "Load More"-function | I have more than a dozen projects, but I don't want to show them all at once, so the site visitor gets bored, having to scroll through 100 projects. Is it possible to set up a certain number of posts, that is always showing at page load (like 14, as it is now) with the option to load more, if the site visitor wants to - via a "Load More"-button at the end of the 14 posts that show up on pageload?
That's it for now. When we clear out this 6 points, I'm pretty sure there won't be much left to clarify. As always - thanks in advance!
I am very sorry for the late reply, we're on holiday until 10 of January, please expect a delay in the replies. Happy holidays, we wish you all the best in 2021.
1) Can you please tell me the resolution of your screen, so I will send you some CSS code to change that padding from your width until it reaches the tablet width so it will look alright on all screens.
2) Very glad to know
3) You can add padding or margin-bottom of 24px for ex. to those social media icons and they'll look alright on the live web.
4) Please set the columns-gap to no-gap to that inner-section where that text is included, and it will be aligned perfectly.
Hey there! Thanks for answering! I got the message, that you're on holiday till Jan 10th, so I wasn't expecting an answer until the days after. Hope you didn't take too much of your time to answer now, as a holiday is supposed to be a holiday. I'll try everything you answered and let you know.
as for 1) My screen resolution is 1920x1200. But at this same resolution the Metro Portfolio Demo Page works fine, so issue seems to be on my site only. I kinda get the feeling, that the Side Menu doesn't get recognized as a box/container/element, so that all the other elements (metro portfolio, footer, single portfolio page) 'know' it's there and rescale themselves properly. The side menu seems to be hovering above all - do you think checking the page code (htaccess, for example) may solve the issue. If yes - tell me which file you need, I'll download it with FileZilla and send it over. For me, this is the biggest problem I have. If this is solved once and for all times, I'll really be happy. Remember, that I have to set a manual padding on every portfolio page, in order for the side menu to not hover over the images and the footer. This doesn't feel like a clean solution to me and makes me uneasy to continue working on the site.
Thanks again for taking time to answer during your holiday! Even though I want to finish my website asap, I also respect your free time, so please answer, when you really have the time to!
UPDATE_ Issues 3 - 5 are now also done. Thanks! So now it's only two more issues open (I'll just copy the texts from the previuos post):
Header: Side menu position | You had added the 300px left padding under Body Style in the Post Settings - thanks for that. I changed it to 340px, to also get some padding between the header and the portfolio items, as it is also shown on the Metro Portfolio Demo Page (look at red markings on the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we3qu6). This way I get the same optics on my page as on the Metro Portfolio demo page. That is good. Explicitly setting a padding value of "0" (zero) for the tablet and smartphone was also a good solution. So, the only issue that i still have with the Header positioning are the moments before transfering to tablet mode. Done with the Metro Portfolio page, the padding between header and portfolio looks like this (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we4cp7) and on my page it looks like this (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we4dwf). Can we fix that somehow? Can you possibly give me the Metro Portfolio exact setup of the Header? As I still think, that something's not quite the same as in the demo.
Metro Portfolio: Possible "Load More"-function (this was previously question Number 6) | I have more than a dozen projects, but I don't want to show them all at once, so the site visitor gets bored, having to scroll through 100 projects. Is it possible to set up a certain number of posts, that is always showing at page load (like 14, as it is now) with the option to load more, if the site visitor wants to - via a "Load More"-button at the end of the 14 posts that show up on pageload?
1) I've tested it and with 300px padding at the left of the Metro Portfolio page, and it seems to be working alright for different screen resolutions.
2) Automatically it will load all the posts, but if have any preference on how many posts you want to show when you click on load more we can achieve that with some code.
You're still on holiday, so I'm again thankful you replied, but you really shouldn't have taken of your free time to do so. Thanks a lot, though.
A padding of 300px makes the portfolio items 'touch' the side menu. I guess I prefer the way they look on the Metro Portfolio Demo Page, where the portfolio items also have a certain padding to the side menu. I figured this padding to be 40px, so I added these to the 300px and therefore went with 340px. But still, I have a big, big plea on you: could we make the side menu work as it should. You see there are a lot of issues related to it, so I guess there is a major problem elsewhere (maybe in the code of my page). First of all, it's hovering and doesn't seem to be seen as a container. The bottom padding of it doesn't work as forseen, if I don't add some extra paddign to the social media icons. How does it work on the Metro Portfolio Demo Page - do you have to add a 300px padding there, too? Or do the rest of the elements acknowledge it and it doesn't hover above them? Please, let us work it out. I want it to function properly, as it's gonna be present through my whole page.
Let's say I'd go with the 14 posts.
What's the best way to translate all the english buttons (Next etc.) into German. For that I used Loco Translate on my previous page.
Thanks again. Please let us make the Side Menu work properly. It's very important to me. All the best to you!
We’re sorry for the late reply, we got back working today, the replies time will get normal now(within a business day).
1) I just tried to add the body offset at Appearance > Customize > General > Site, and it's working alright, you just haven't added the unit to the value, I am so sorry for this and I apologize.
So now all you have to do is to remove that padding that you've added at the Site Settings of the Elementor Page, and then add it at Appearance > Customize > General > Site.
2) I would suggest you use the Say What? plugin to translate the text, and can you please tell me what you want to translate so I can help you to translate all of them.
For e.x. if you want to translate the pagination, you can do it by using the 'bifrost' text-domain, please check the screenshots.
Nope. I hadn't forgotten the unit - the offset works in the preview, but once applied (published) it doesn't - as if some code/rule is blocking it - https://prnt.sc/wkuixc. We should find what's interfering with it, as it will probably solve all further issues related to the side menu (also on other pages).
Generally I want to translate every button and command, that's in English now, as my clients are almost all Germans. If that's the way to do it, I will do it the way you suggested. Is there a way to translate the whole page (like switch between english and german) - including all texts, buttons, menus, permalinks etc.? WPML?
You wanted to provide me with a code for the Show More button on the portfolio - as it's done here: https://prnt.sc/wkunsb (Freelancer home Demo Page)
New one: I made an Impressum Page from scratch using Elementor. Worked fine, but two things still aren't quite as I want them:
The sections are pushed in, even though I have NoGap selected - https://prnt.sc/wkuqjo. That's probably because of the Content Width set to "Boxed", but if I chose Full Width, then they still aren't In-line with the Page Title ("Impressum & Datenschutz), which I'm actually aiming for. How do I make the PageTitle and Page Contents be aligned?
Where can I setup the size of the PageTitle (in this case "Impressum & Datenschutz") - it's way too big now?
PS, is there a way to chat - I guess this will help resolve everything a lot quicker in real-time?
1) Can you please add the following code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS, this is the code that should be added from the offset that is not working.
2) Our Bifrost theme is compatible with several translate plugins, for e.x. WMPL, Polylang, Loco Translate, so you can translate your website with one of them.
3) Do you mean the code to achieve that style or not?
4) I am seeing that you've managed to solve the problem of width, so to change the font-size of the title please add the following code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
I added the code and it worked - on the portfolio, the single portfolio pages and the other pages (Profil, Kontakt)! Finally! What it still doesn't seem to work for is the footer - https://prnt.sc/wlqnqg.
Ok, thanks.
Yes, please provide me with the code, so that my Portfolio also gets a Load More button for the Portfolio posts, (as it is in the Freelancer home Demo Page)
1) Glad to know that finally, we've managed to solve this together, and also I've updated the code for the footer, please check it.
2) Sorry for this misunderstanding, if you set the post per page to a lower number than you have inserted on that page, it will automatically display pagination, so for more please check the screenshot.
Footer is now also fine! Any idea, why setting the pagination in the Customizer didn't actually work?
You've set the number to 8, but now only 8 objects show up, whitout any button underneath, proposing to show more? - https://prnt.sc/wlrss5
Generally asking: if instead of one of the images on a single post/portfolio page I wanted a 360° panorama image or of these before/after images (where you can move a slider and see a before and after state of an image - https://prnt.sc/wlrvn0), am I gonna be able to do that in some way?
Is it possible to make the gaps in the footer a bit smaller, so that its first row comes in line with the Prev button and the images on a single portfolio page - https://prnt.sc/wlsnsm?
1) I am sorry for that but the pagination doesn't work for the Metro layout, because as you know on the Metro layout you had to include posts one by one, and if you set a limited number of posts per page it will just remove them.
So in the case to have pagination you need to switch the layout from Metro to Masonry/Grid/Fitrows.
2) If I understand you right, you can use the media gallery to create a carousel of images, so you can scroll images horizontally one by one, you just need to set the layout to the carousel and everything will work alright.
3) Yes, you just need to set the container to on, and also please check the portfolio items, because as I could see on some of them you've set the container to off individually, so in the portfolio, items set the container to inherit, and at Appearance > Customize > Footer > General set the container to on.
If I understand right, there is no way to add a 'Load More' button to the Metro layout - not even with custom CSS? If that's so, then so be it, as the Metro layout I currently use was why I chose to buy the bifrost-theme in first place and I don't want to go with another layout. The Metro layout lets me highlight some of my works, by making their 'squares' bigger and I also like the option to be able to define the query order of the projects.
Here is an example of a single post page - https://prnt.sc/wmgcf0. The images displayed I add via the 'Portfolio Item Gallery' function - https://prnt.sc/wmge06. But lets's say I wanted one of the images not to simply be a static image, but a interactive 360° panorama, where you're able to pan around with the mouse (as possible on Facebook) or maybe one of these image comparison slider images - (example: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_image_comparison.asp). Is that also possible?
The footer topic is clear, thanks.
As for the translations - I managed to translate Prev and Next the way you showed me, but it doesn't work out with Back to Portfolio (instead I want 'Portfolioübersicht') - https://prnt.sc/wmgpgs. Also, I need this "Number of Number" (https://prnt.sc/wmgsue) in the bottom right corner of an enlarged image series to translate to 'von', but I also didn't work.
Is there a way to change the optic of the arrows and X (close) button on the lightbox? Let's say make the circles around the arrows to squares or just totally remove the circles?
Found where to customize the Lightbox, but it's very rudimentary and I cannot change the design of the arrows etc. Does the PRO version of Elementor have more options / Lightbox designs? And if I bought the PRO version, can I simply install if 'over' the current one or will it ruin my site?
I watched a video on setting up the Elementor Lightbox, where you can see the default arrows, close-button etc. look different (https://prnt.sc/wmuumn), then the once we have in bifrost (https://prnt.sc/wmuvrm). Can I somehow get back to the default optic of the Lightbox? Btw, if I use a Lightbox on a single image, it looks as I like it to (https://prnt.sc/wmw3bw).
ONE NEW QUESTION: I have a Testimonial Carousel and a title URL link included (https://prnt.sc/wmsewy). How can I make this open in a new tab (_blank), rather than in the same one?
As always - thanks in advance and have a good eve!
2) No, Elementor Pro doesn't have more options to customize the lightbox, if you want to change anything else that can't be achieved with those options that are at Site Settings, please let me know so maybe I can help you with some CSS code to achieve that.
And that different lightbox that you're seeing is our lightbox, so the media gallery element is using the lightbox that is customized by our side, and if you use the image element you will have the default lightbox that is from Elementor.
3) I've installed the plugin "Insert Headers and Footer" to your website, and then I've added the following code to make the link of testimonial to open in the new window, you can view it by going to Dashboard > Settings > Insert Headers and Footers.
So with the two plugins (the VR-one and the Before-After-Image-Comparison-Slide-one) I'll be able to add such images to my single portfolio pages? Awesome!
Is there a way to also have the default Elementor Lightbox instead of the customized one?
Thanks a lot, that's great!
Btw, I thought about publishing the page (leaving Maintenance mode tomorrow)! Do you have any suggestion for a caching plugin or do you not recommend using one with your theme?
I just tested my site on my phone. There is an issue with the menu and logo on mobile - once the side menu disappears because of the smartphone screen size, the sandwich menu appears as a symbol in the top right corner. Once clicked however, the menu looks like that - https://prnt.sc/wnllzv and the logo isn't there anymore. How can I fix that!
As you can see from the screenshot, in the header template that you're using there are two sections, one that will be displayed for the desktop and the other one that will be displayed for tablet and mobile, so please edit that header how do you want.
If you can't find that section, please use the navigator or click on the responsive icon to view the screen on mobile mode and edit the header.
Thanks for all of your support and patience so far!
We only have one question open (apart from the sticky mobile menu) and that's the possibility to make the portfolio lightbox get back to its default optic.
Other than that, I won't have nearly as many questions as in the past weeks. All the best - Teo
I have a short new set of questions, only because I started making a Media Gallery page:
Load More button | this time I make all the images square, so I went for a Masonary Layout (https://prnt.sc/wuxbv5), because I though it would have a "Load More" option, but I didn't find one. Is a Load More option not possible in the Media Gallery?
Badges | Is there a way to rename or redesign the badges? Let's say I wanted the green NEW badge to be in a different colour and say "NEU" instead of "NEW"?
I had described it, but here's a screenshot: https://prnt.sc/x49kuo. I want to translate the word "NEW" to "NEU" and I want to change the colour with one I get to pick.
When I go to Facebook and paste the adress of my website, it looks like that - https://prnt.sc/x49vx2, there is no image, logo ot whatsoever. As a comparison, here is what happens, if I pasted the link to a portfolio page - the title image gets displayed - https://prnt.sc/x4a354. How can I also make my landing page display something too?
Again the Lightbox topic - is there a way to get back to Elementors default portfolio optic for the images on a single portfolio page?
Is there a way to add a 360° panorama among the gallery items?
Hi Teodor,
I am sorry for the late reply, we did not work on the weekend.
Sure, feel free to ask for anything that you need, we're here to help
1) That will simply assign it as the front page, other pages will still be visible from you or from Google Indexing. So, leave your desired home page as the front page and follow the steps below.
2) Usually there is displayed the posts element with all respective elements, but since your website was not a clean install there could be a conflict, so please paste there the posts element and in the query section select portfolio or your desired element, make sure that you have installed and activated all required plugins, especially Neuron Core & Elementor.
3) Unfortunately the URL sends me directly to the demo, you can visit it directly at: https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost and send me the desired URL, if the posts element does not appear in Elementor you probably did not install the Neuron Core plugin.
4) There's an option called OFFSET, the location of the option is at the page settings and at the Appearance > Customize > General > Layout. You can give the page for example an offset of 300px, same as the header size, if you need further help with this one, please let me know.
Feel free to ask for anything that you need.
Kind Regards
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Hi there,
thanks for all the answers. I should probably have waited for your answer before starting to work on the website, using bifröst. My bad.
So, let's take it slow this time.
A clean WP would be very nice, as I imagine. that all the imported child themes will work fine and it will be quicker for me to make the page work and look as I want it to. So, to do that, I should better use LocalWP, am I right?
Here are some questions:
As always - thanks in advance!
Hi Teodor,
I am very sorry for the late reply,
1) It's supposed to be blank at all, but if you want you can keep the media files that you've imported.
2) Yes, you're right about that. When you import the Metro Portfolio page, you have the options to select the posts you want to show also the width that that post will cover, in this case, the width you need to choose with columns, so 12 columns will show the post as a single column in the page, the 6 columns will show it as 1/2 of the column, and so on and so forth.
- https://prnt.sc/w8ksdo
3) That portfolio sample that you're wanting to use is Side Portfolio v7, so after you've imported the demo data, please install the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin, and then duplicate the Side Portfolio v7 project and use it as many times as you want.
- https://prnt.sc/w8kmb8
- https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicate-post/
4) You can create them by going to Dashboard > Pages > Add New, and then you can edit them with Elementor, or you can import any of the Contact pages or About pages that are included in the demo imported by going to Appearance > Import Demo Data.
- https://prnt.sc/w8kojr
5) You can choose if you want to use the same header on all pages if you want that, you can go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Layout and select the header template that you want to show on the website, but make sure that you've set the header to inherit at page settings, and either if you want to have different headers for different pages, please go and edit that page that you want to have a different header and select the header that you want to use at Header > Type.
- https://prnt.sc/w8kqkx
- https://prnt.sc/w8kq5s
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
I'll try it out and will surely have to ask you the next tone of questions, soon! Are you available in the next day or not until 2021?
Yes, we're here to help you anytime.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hey there,
what I did so far was download WP Reset and use its tools to:
. delete all themes
. delete all plugins
. delete all transients
. empty the custom tables
I did that in an effort to keep my blogposts, but mostly my media library.
After that I uploaded and installed Bifröst, the way it's shown in the short video in the documentation. Installed the child themes and the plugins needed. If I set Metro Portfolio as a Main page this time it shows the placeholders etc.
But now Elementor won't start - it remains stuck in the gray loading screen with the logo. Going into safe mode doesn't help and it's also not an issue with the memory available, as my php memory limit is at "-1". I tried manually setting it up to 256Mb via the wp-config.php, but that didn't solve the issue either... Using Firefox instead of Chrome also wasn't the solution. Do you have any idea how to deal with that issue?
Here's a screenshot of the error messages.
Oh, solved it. Reinstalled the Really Easy SSL plugin and now it works!
Hi there,
here is a new portion of questions:
What I'm I still missing?
As usual, thanks in advance!
Hi again,
after installing the portfolio pages and the Yoast Duplicate Post Plugin, I wanted to start making the portfolio entries, based on the Side Portfolio v7 template. I duplicated it, gave it a name ("Tramway 21") and was able to change the text. What I cannot manage to do is:
Also, suddenly the footer here is black even though it's set to "inherit".
And a last question - when I get all this small problems out of the way, can I save it as a new template somehow or do I just duplicate it via Yoast for the future portfolio posts?
As usual - thanks in advance!
Hi Teodor Vladov,
Happy holidays 🎉🎉
Can you please provide me with your wp-admin, so I will have a quick look to see what's going on, make sure to click on private reply.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hi Teodor Vladov,
1) Those images can be changed if you go to edit the portfolio item > Portfolio Item Gallery.
- https://prnt.sc/wc4bkl
2) You can change that text if you go to edit the portfolio item > Portfolio Item Settings > Subtitle.
- https://prnt.sc/wc4ckn
3) You can change the website and services section if you go to edit the portfolio item > Portfolio Item Tabs.
- https://prnt.sc/wc4dx6
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Thanks a lot! I can prepare all my portfolio pages now!
Did you manage to log in and take a look at the other problems (menu offset, thumbnail resize) - may these occur, because of the not fully blank start? Even though I deleted all themes and plugins?
Hi Teodor Vladov,
I apologize that I've forgotten those other questions,
1) For the thumbnails I've changed the layout to Masonry, so now you have to regenerate the thumbnails, follow the instructions below to regenerate thumbnails.
2) Where are you setting the offset, make sure that you're setting it to the header section that will be displayed on mobile and tablet, and you need to set the offset at the mobile field on Nav Menu element.
- https://prnt.sc/wc5jo9
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hi and thanks again,
I'll gladly install and apply the Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin, but I actually really want the Metro Portfolio - won't it work there?
Also, when I set it up correctly on Mobile, then it will also look as it's supposed to on desktop - is that what you're saying?
Btw, Teo is enough for me - no need to be too formal =]
Hi Teo
Okay, sorry for that, as you want to use the metro layout you don't need the thumbnail resizer, because you can choose which size will a post cover, for example, at the metro layout you can select the columns of a post, if you set the post to cover 12 columns it will be shown as one post per column, if you set it to 6 columns it will be displayed as 1/2 of the column and so on and so forth, so if you want to have 3 posts in a row with fixed height, you can set the columns to 4 for each post.
Hope I was clear
- https://prnt.sc/wc66iw
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
the thing with the width is not a problem at all - it works fine! The problem is, that I want the images to be cut in a 1:1 aspect. I found the option in Elementor (Thumbnail Resizer), but only the 150x150 made my image quadratic. All the other options I chose (300x300, Large 1024x1024 or even Custom) did leave the image in its original aspect ratio, which is rectangular. (The image size is not the problem, as the uploaded image is 1920x1440.) if not in 1:1 aspect ratio of the thumbnails, the masonary portfolio will start looking messy, especially as some of my images are in portrait and others - in landscape mode.
So I have two options - either make it work as supposed to (automatic cropping in 1:1 aspect) or I have to upload an additional quadratic image every time along with the others.
I now installed Regenerate Thumbnails and let it run on my whole Media Library. The plugin seems to be creating all the thumbnails needed, so maybe it will work afterwards. I'll keep you updated.
Update: Nope, Regenerating the Thumbnails didn't help. The cover image still doesn't get cropped in 1:1 even though I tried different quadratic image sizes in the Elementor Thumbnail tab. Funny enough, if I set up the Image Size to 150x150 or 300x300 it works - the image becomes quadratic, but it's very pixelated, of course...
Hi Teo,
I've just checked your website and the regenerated thumbnails are working with all of the layout types, please can you check it again and tell me if it's also looking alright for you.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hey there,
you probalby saw, that it looked right, as I had the Thumbnail Resizer set to "Woocommerce Thumbnail - 300 x 300". Now I attach a screenshot on how it looks, when I set the Thumbnail Resizer to large or something larger than 300 x 300, even though my uploaded images are large enough to be cropped in the wished size...
Also, here are some other questions:
the sidemenu | I still cannot manage to make the offset happen
logo | is it possible to have a logo instead of a page name in the upper left corner of the side menu?
overlay | is it possible to have different effects on mouseover, while hovering on the Metro Portfolio? Like maybe have the images be in black and white (s/w) by default and getting them colourful on Mouseover?
As always - thanks a lot in advance!
Hi Teo,
1) But that's happening because of the metro layout because you've set the columns to them, if you change it to Masonry it will work alright.
2) Can you please sent me a screenshot of where are you setting the offset.
3) Yes, you can do that, all you need to do is to edit that Side Menu Classic header, and then remove the Site title element and add the Site logo.
4) I've set the hover visibility to hide at the style tab of the post element, then I've added the following code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to make the images black and white on hover.
- https://prnt.sc/wceu05
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hi there!
Thanks for your quick responces!
1) So it's not possible to have a Metro Layout, when the Featured image of the Project isn't in 1:1 ratio? I thought, that Elementor's Thumbnail Resizer can do exactly that - crop the images to a wished format, so that rectangular images can still make a neat Metro Portfolio of big and small squares.
2) Screenshot included. The screenshot you sent me earlier today I still cannot find in Elementor. Also, I seem to have less options in the Customizer compared to what's shown in a video in the FAQ section.
3) Do I open the front page, click on Edit with Elementor and then Select the Side Menu Classic or do I do that somewhere else?
4) Thanks a lot! I want it exaclty the other way around - images being grayed out by dafault and becoming colourful on mouseover. (gotta admit I have to test it out first - can happen to look like an obituary in the end, but it also may end up looking calmer, like the images you used for the demo of the Metro Portfolio)
Thanks again and wish you well!
Hey there again,
on my research for why the resizer isn't working, I tooks some screenshots from the Chrome Console, after pressing the RMB > Inspect on one of the Metro Portfolio images, that didn't get cropped, although the Thumbnail Resizer of Elementor is on and set to a 1:1 aspect. Maybe some of these screenshot may help?
Btw, the Resizer doesn't work with the Masonary portfolio either. There is a problem somewhere.
All the best!
Good morning (sorry, I don't know your name)!
Here's another something, that I can't figure the reasons why it's happening:
A.) on a project page, the description text is kinda pushed in and not aligned with the headings; this textblock is the only Elementor element on this page, but I cannot push it back to align with the res
B.) the social icons in the side menu have the right margin on the side (12), but not from the bottom? Interesting is, that in the elementor preview, while setting the social icons up, they have the bottom margin. Once I exit elementor, they suddenly lose it.
Thanks in advance, again!
Hi Teo,
You can ask us for anything you need, we're here yo help you
1) I am so sorry for this big misunderstanding, now I know what do you want to achieve with the offset, there's another way how you can fix this, please go and edit your pages with Elementor, and at the page settings style tab, add a padding-left same as is the size of the header.
- https://prnt.sc/wd2t8y
2) Sorry if I wasn't clear with this, but if you want to resize an image the image size needs to be larger than the size you've selected.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hey there!
1) That did it. Finally! Thanks for that! Now I have to do it on every single page, right? Including the Side Portfolio v7 pages?
2) Let's see if we manage to find a solution for the second issue, too. I didn't misunderstand you here - it makes a lot of sense, that the cropping should be smaller than the image and the image that gets cropped should be larger than the wished cropping. But I try to resize an image, that is 1920x1440 px, into thumbnails, that are 1024x1024. So the cropping should be successful, right? But on the attached screenshot you can see it's not.
3) As I don't know if you're currently planing or perhaps already answering, but did you see the questions on the slight dislocations of the single post page textblock and the social media icons in the bottom of the Header?
4) You were very nice to add the Custom CSS to make the portfolio images go grayscale on mouseover? Would you be so kind to provide me with the CSS to make it the other way around - the images being grayscaled by default and getting colourful on mouseover?
5) Is there a way to make the gap between the four coloumns in the footer and the Copyright in the bottom smaller?
Thanks a lot in advance!
To 1) I'm not sure that's the best solution. I just want my fornt page to look like this one - https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost/metro-portfolio/ - exactly like it. On the Metro Portfolio demo page, when you make the browser window smaller, everything rescales good.
With the solution you gave me, the left pagination remains constant and it looks bad in a smaller window. See screenshot attached. Can you just tell me how it's done on the metro-portfolio demo page?
So, as I thought, that maybe it's my fault, that this things don't work properly, as I didn't make a full reset, I did one now. I downloaded Advanced WP Reset and did a full database reset.
Sadly though, even after a clean install, the problem with the side menu, hovering over the Metro Portfolio still persists.
Update | The thumbnail problem isn't anymore, as this time Bitfrost Image Size 1-4 are available and with Size 2 - 1000x1000 px it looks good.
The dented in textfield on the Side Portfolio template and the social media buttons at the bottom of the Side Menu Header are still an issue.
Hi Teo,
We're sorry for the late reply, but we're working with a limited staff.
1) You can add the padding like I've told you and you can remove it for responsive mode, please check the screenshot.
- https://prnt.sc/wdjovu
2) I've updated the code that I've sent you for the hover effect on images.
3) Can you please tell me what's wrong with the social media icons on the header, so I will check them immediately.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hey there and a Happy New Year - may 2021 be a healthier and bring us all back to normality!
Thanks for all your answers so far - really appreciate it! I know it was a lot of them to deal with, but I think we're through for the most part. What remains is more of minor stuff, but it will be great if we took care of it, too. I'll do my best to explain as good as I can and will also try uploading a screenshot to make the topics more 'visible'.
I don't need the answer too quickly - I prefer you took your time and went throught them carefully, so that we clear them out once and for all. As the questions are numbered, you can also gladly send me the answers one by one, so that you don't spend too much time answering at once.
Here we go:
Explicitly setting a padding value of "0" (zero) for the tablet and smartphone was also a good solution.
So, the only issue that i still have with the Header positioning are the moments before transfering to tablet mode. Done with the Metro Portfolio page, the padding between header and portfolio looks like this (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we4cp7) and on my page it looks like this (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we4dwf). Can we fix that somehow? Can you possibly give me the Metro Portfolio exact setup of the Header? As I still think, that something's not quite the same as in the demo.
What can I do to make sure the social media icons in the bottom of the Header have a padding from the bottom? By the way, kinda same thing happens, when I use Customizing > General > Site and enable a Left Body Offset (of 340px) there (https://prnt.sc/we4nd2) - it looks fine, until I close Customizing (I don't forget to press Publish, before doing so). Sounds like a general problem, what do you think?
That's it for now. When we clear out this 6 points, I'm pretty sure there won't be much left to clarify.
As always - thanks in advance!
Hi Teo,
I am very sorry for the late reply, we're on holiday until 10 of January, please expect a delay in the replies. Happy holidays, we wish you all the best in 2021.
1) Can you please tell me the resolution of your screen, so I will send you some CSS code to change that padding from your width until it reaches the tablet width so it will look alright on all screens.
2) Very glad to know
3) You can add padding or margin-bottom of 24px for ex. to those social media icons and they'll look alright on the live web.
4) Please set the columns-gap to no-gap to that inner-section where that text is included, and it will be aligned perfectly.
- https://prnt.sc/wh1abn
5) Please go to Appearance > Customize > Portfolio > Portfolio Item > Link, and there you can change that link address.
- https://prnt.sc/wh1bk4
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hey there! Thanks for answering!
I got the message, that you're on holiday till Jan 10th, so I wasn't expecting an answer until the days after. Hope you didn't take too much of your time to answer now, as a holiday is supposed to be a holiday.
I'll try everything you answered and let you know.
as for 1) My screen resolution is 1920x1200. But at this same resolution the Metro Portfolio Demo Page works fine, so issue seems to be on my site only.
I kinda get the feeling, that the Side Menu doesn't get recognized as a box/container/element, so that all the other elements (metro portfolio, footer, single portfolio page) 'know' it's there and rescale themselves properly. The side menu seems to be hovering above all - do you think checking the page code (htaccess, for example) may solve the issue. If yes - tell me which file you need, I'll download it with FileZilla and send it over.
For me, this is the biggest problem I have. If this is solved once and for all times, I'll really be happy. Remember, that I have to set a manual padding on every portfolio page, in order for the side menu to not hover over the images and the footer. This doesn't feel like a clean solution to me and makes me uneasy to continue working on the site.
Thanks again for taking time to answer during your holiday!
Even though I want to finish my website asap, I also respect your free time, so please answer, when you really have the time to!
UPDATE_ Issues 3 - 5 are now also done. Thanks! So now it's only two more issues open (I'll just copy the texts from the previuos post):
Explicitly setting a padding value of "0" (zero) for the tablet and smartphone was also a good solution.
So, the only issue that i still have with the Header positioning are the moments before transfering to tablet mode. Done with the Metro Portfolio page, the padding between header and portfolio looks like this (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we4cp7) and on my page it looks like this (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/we4dwf). Can we fix that somehow? Can you possibly give me the Metro Portfolio exact setup of the Header? As I still think, that something's not quite the same as in the demo.
Hi Teo,
Sorry for the late reply,
1) I've tested it and with 300px padding at the left of the Metro Portfolio page, and it seems to be working alright for different screen resolutions.
2) Automatically it will load all the posts, but if have any preference on how many posts you want to show when you click on load more we can achieve that with some code.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
You're still on holiday, so I'm again thankful you replied, but you really shouldn't have taken of your free time to do so. Thanks a lot, though.
But still, I have a big, big plea on you: could we make the side menu work as it should. You see there are a lot of issues related to it, so I guess there is a major problem elsewhere (maybe in the code of my page). First of all, it's hovering and doesn't seem to be seen as a container. The bottom padding of it doesn't work as forseen, if I don't add some extra paddign to the social media icons.
How does it work on the Metro Portfolio Demo Page - do you have to add a 300px padding there, too? Or do the rest of the elements acknowledge it and it doesn't hover above them? Please, let us work it out. I want it to function properly, as it's gonna be present through my whole page.
Thanks again. Please let us make the Side Menu work properly. It's very important to me.
All the best to you!
Hi Teo,
We’re sorry for the late reply, we got back working today, the replies time will get normal now(within a business day).
1) I just tried to add the body offset at Appearance > Customize > General > Site, and it's working alright, you just haven't added the unit to the value, I am so sorry for this and I apologize.
So now all you have to do is to remove that padding that you've added at the Site Settings of the Elementor Page, and then add it at Appearance > Customize > General > Site.
- https://prnt.sc/wku3gc
2) I would suggest you use the Say What? plugin to translate the text, and can you please tell me what you want to translate so I can help you to translate all of them.
For e.x. if you want to translate the pagination, you can do it by using the 'bifrost' text-domain, please check the screenshots.
- https://prnt.sc/wkucp9
- https://prnt.sc/wkuczj
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hi and welcome back!
Is there a way to translate the whole page (like switch between english and german) - including all texts, buttons, menus, permalinks etc.? WPML?
PS, is there a way to chat - I guess this will help resolve everything a lot quicker in real-time?
Hi Teo,
Sorry for the late reply,
1) Can you please add the following code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS, this is the code that should be added from the offset that is not working.
2) Our Bifrost theme is compatible with several translate plugins, for e.x. WMPL, Polylang, Loco Translate, so you can translate your website with one of them.
3) Do you mean the code to achieve that style or not?
4) I am seeing that you've managed to solve the problem of width, so to change the font-size of the title please add the following code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hi there! Thanks for the answers!
Hi Teo,
1) Glad to know that finally, we've managed to solve this together
, and also I've updated the code for the footer, please check it.
2) Sorry for this misunderstanding, if you set the post per page to a lower number than you have inserted on that page, it will automatically display pagination, so for more please check the screenshot.
- https://prnt.sc/wlqxow
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hey there and thanks a lot!
Thanks again for all the help!
Oh, and a last question for today:
Is it possible to make the gaps in the footer a bit smaller, so that its first row comes in line with the Prev button and the images on a single portfolio page - https://prnt.sc/wlsnsm?
Hi Teo,
1) I am sorry for that but the pagination doesn't work for the Metro layout, because as you know on the Metro layout you had to include posts one by one, and if you set a limited number of posts per page it will just remove them.
So in the case to have pagination you need to switch the layout from Metro to Masonry/Grid/Fitrows.
2) If I understand you right, you can use the media gallery to create a carousel of images, so you can scroll images horizontally one by one, you just need to set the layout to the carousel and everything will work alright.
- https://prnt.sc/wmeq59
3) Yes, you just need to set the container to on, and also please check the portfolio items, because as I could see on some of them you've set the container to off individually, so in the portfolio, items set the container to inherit, and at Appearance > Customize > Footer > General set the container to on.
- https://prnt.sc/wmetmj
- https://prnt.sc/wmeue7
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hi and thanks for the anwers!
Thanks in advance
Hi Teo,
1) Unfortunately you can't add a Load More button to the Metro layout, I am sorry for that.
2) The following plugin that I've attached will help you to do that so please install it.
- https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpvr/
3) You can change the back to portfolio text if you go to Appearance > Customize > Portfolio > Portfolio Item.
- https://prnt.sc/wmrku3
4) Please go to the Site Settings of Elementor > Lightbox and from there you can customize the lightbox.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hi there and again thanks for replying!
I watched a video on setting up the Elementor Lightbox, where you can see the default arrows, close-button etc. look different (https://prnt.sc/wmuumn), then the once we have in bifrost (https://prnt.sc/wmuvrm). Can I somehow get back to the default optic of the Lightbox?
Btw, if I use a Lightbox on a single image, it looks as I like it to (https://prnt.sc/wmw3bw).
As always - thanks in advance and have a good eve!
Hi Teo,
1) Yes, you can try it out with this plugin.
- https://wordpress.org/plugins/before-after-image-comparison-slider-for-elementor/
2) No, Elementor Pro doesn't have more options to customize the lightbox, if you want to change anything else that can't be achieved with those options that are at Site Settings, please let me know so maybe I can help you with some CSS code to achieve that.
And that different lightbox that you're seeing is our lightbox, so the media gallery element is using the lightbox that is customized by our side, and if you use the image element you will have the default lightbox that is from Elementor.
3) I've installed the plugin "Insert Headers and Footer" to your website, and then I've added the following code to make the link of testimonial to open in the new window, you can view it by going to Dashboard > Settings > Insert Headers and Footers.
- https://wordpress.org/plugins/insert-headers-and-footers/
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Thanks a lot!
Btw, I thought about publishing the page (leaving Maintenance mode tomorrow)! Do you have any suggestion for a caching plugin or do you not recommend using one with your theme?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Teo,
Please check the article below and you will find some of the best plugins to clear the cache of your website.
- https://neuronthemes.com/6-best-caching-plugins/
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hey there! Thanks for the article!
I just tested my site on my phone. There is an issue with the menu and logo on mobile - once the side menu disappears because of the smartphone screen size, the sandwich menu appears as a symbol in the top right corner. Once clicked however, the menu looks like that - https://prnt.sc/wnllzv and the logo isn't there anymore. How can I fix that!
Hi Teo,
As you can see from the screenshot, in the header template that you're using there are two sections, one that will be displayed for the desktop and the other one that will be displayed for tablet and mobile, so please edit that header how do you want.
If you can't find that section, please use the navigator or click on the responsive icon to view the screen on mobile mode and edit the header.
- https://prnt.sc/wp1j6x
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Worked, thanks! Guess I'll be publishing the page then!
Do you have any final tipps for me before officially lounching?
Btw, is there a way to make the tablet/mobile menu sticky?
Hi Teo,
I suggest you to use any cache plugin, that will really improve your website, so for more please check the article below.
- https://neuronthemes.com/6-best-caching-plugins/
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Thanks for all of your support and patience so far!
We only have one question open (apart from the sticky mobile menu) and that's the possibility to make the portfolio lightbox get back to its default optic.
Other than that, I won't have nearly as many questions as in the past weeks.
All the best - Teo
Hey there,
I have a short new set of questions, only because I started making a Media Gallery page:
Thanks in advance!
Hi Teo,
I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working at the weekend.
1) We're sorry but the pagination "Load More" works just with the "Masonry", "FitRows", "Justified" layouts of the post element.
2) Which badges are you wanting to change, can you please attach a screenshot.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
Hi and thanks
Thanks in advance.
Hi Teo,
1) Can you please tell me on which page you have displayed those badges because I couldn't find them.
2) Please add a featured image to the home page so it will be displayed when you're sharing it on Facebook or anywhere.
- https://prnt.sc/x53pg7
3) Unfortunately it needs a lot of extra work and we can't do that, we apologize.
4) You can do that with the previous plugins that I've sent you.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kidn Regards
Hi Teo,
You can change the text and the background color with the following code, so please add it at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards