Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2482121
Arrow to move up on the page


  • apostolos1980 started the conversation


    Thank you for your replies. Is it possible to:

    1. Change the position of the "go up arrow" from the middle of the screen to the bottom both on desktop and mobile? (see screenshot).

    2. Is it possible to change the animation and design of this arrow?

    3. I don't have an online store. Which plugins can I safely uninstall? Woocommerce and WPforms? What else? Are the non commerce widgets going to work ok?

    4. Is it possible to create a sticky header. That is, a header that follows when I scroll down?


  •  967
    Neuron replied


    1) To change the position to the bottom please add the following code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

    .a-to-top {
        top: 0;
        bottom: 10px;

    2) To change the design of that arrow you also need to add a CSS, so you can experiment with it by using those CSS classes.

    To edit the background of that arrow you need to do it like this one as an example.

    .a-to-top {
        background-color: red;

    And to edit the icon color you will need to use this other one class. 

    .a-to-top svg {
        color: #FFF;

    3) You need to uninstall just Woocommerce, not other plugins. WPform is only recommended for forms.

    4) Yes you can, so go and edit the header with Elementor and then go to Advanced > Motion Effect and at the Sticky please select top, so whenever you scroll on your page you will see the header.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • apostolos1980 replied

    Thank you for the replies!

    Do you prefer to create new tickets or continue here?


    4. There is no "sticky" option there.

    New question:

    5. For my blog pages I would like to add navigation button at the bottom (next post, previous post etc.). How can I achieve this? I don't see a post navigation widget in elementor.

    I know that the default page template achieves this, but I am using Elementor Full width pages because I can achieve a true full width effect with these. If I use the default post template then the page leaves a small margin on the sides. 

  •  967
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    4) You can select it on the page settings, please search for transparency, set that to sticky and if you're using header template a new field will appear below here you can select the template that will be used as sticky header, the same option is located in Customizer.

    5) There's an option to enable/disable the navigation in post single, you can check that in Appearance > Customize > Blog > Post.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • apostolos1980 replied


    I really appreciate your answers.

    4. I've resolved this as per your recommendation. There's something weird with my Elementor Free version. All over the internet I see the sticky option there but not in my copy, so I used your suggestion to go to the page settings. Also, when I hover over the edit section in elementor there's nothing to chose from (please see attached). 

    5. I've enabled the option to "show" but nothing shows (please see attached). Note that I am using custom header and footer create in Elementor and that the page is Elementor full width page because there's no option to use Elementor full width posts templates.

    6. In the posts grid. The thumbnail image does not cover the grid (it looks contained?). How can I adjust

    Kind Regards

  •  967
    Neuron replied


    4) Nothing will be displayed if you just hover into the edit section icon, but you need to click with the right-click of your mouse.

    5) Can you please sent me a link of that page to see what's going on.

    6) Please go and edit that post element and at the Thumbnail please turn on the Thumbnail Resizer and then you can use the right option that looks alright for you, also you can customize the size of the images.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • apostolos1980 replied

    Hi, Thank you for the replies.

    4) Noted.

    5) Here's the link requested. 


    7) I have an issue with the blog page that might be in conjunction with 5) above. When I set in "customize> homepage settings> press" as my blog homepage then I cannot edit it with Elementor. I get the message "the content area was not found in the page". Please see attached sequence from 1 to 2. When I unset this setting then the page is editable as normal. Note that when the blog homepage is set, it looks different too. I have also tried to trash that page and then recreate it AFTER I've set the blog homepage setting but the issue remained.

    6) You suggestion changes all the thumbnails. I'd prefer to have the thumbnails in different sizes without gaps. Note that the thumbnail image leaves gaps but when I hover the gaps are filled. See attached sequence 3 to 4. Is it possible to adjust that by setting the thumbnail to "cover"?

  •  967
    Neuron replied


    5) This answer is related to the 7, so when you edit that with Elementor, you have the navigation element and you can use it.

    6) Can you please provide me with your WP- admin, so I can check it.

    7) That is because the blog page can not be edited with Elementor, but you can go to Settings > Reading and the blog post page set to default > select , and then you can go and edit that page with Elementor, and for displaying the posts you have, you can do it with Neuron Post element.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  •   apostolos1980 replied privately
  •  967
    Neuron replied


    6) Please set the image size to be full, so then you won't have gaps anymore.


    7) You were using the Elementor full width, so if you want to have the navigation in the posts you need to change it to Elementor default template. 

    - https://prnt.sc/tr1ot0

    - https://prnt.sc/tr1p1d

    8) To order the portfolio items please install the plugin below.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

  • apostolos1980 replied

    Hi I will investigate.

  • apostolos1980 replied


    Please see below

    6) I emptied the cache just to be sure and followed your instructions but the proposed solution does not resolve this. Please note that I used the same widget for the portfolio items (portfolio link: https://benevasdesign.com/projects/) but the problem is not encountered there for some reason (see attached images).

    7) Yes.  Is there an Elementor Widget that allows me to navigate through my posts and projects?

    8) Thank you.


  •  967
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    6) Please go and edit that post and at the layout you're having an animation to fade in up so please set it to none and it will be fixed.


    7) When you set the Elementor template as default template then you can go to Appearance > Customize > Blog > Post. There's an option to enable/disable the navigation in post single and then you will see the navigators

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards