Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2290875


  •  1
    mejisan started the conversation

    How do i set the site logo? 

    I expected it to be an option within the customize menu, but it isnt there.

    I know there is an option within the wordpress edit page to select a dark or light logo for each individual page, but this doesnt seem to work anyway as i tried adding a logo for th ehomepage and it didnt show.

    Anyway, i want to be able to add a site-wide logo. Please help!


  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Mejisan,

    In the theme you can either use the header that comes as default where you can upload the logo from Customizer and manage it from there or via Elementor where you can create headers and assign them to different pages, so please hover onto button Edit with Elementor and see if there appears a header template. https://prnt.sc/ppaaad

    Click onto the template and the editor for that template will be opened where you can easily edit it.

    - Video Tutorials about header builder.

    Please check if you're using header template or the default header.

    Kind Regards

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  •  1
    mejisan replied



    You say I can "upload the logo from Customizer and manage it from there"

    As mentioned, That's what I want to do but cant see any option to do that. Please help

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Mejisan,

    Yes, that works if you're using the default header, but as soon as you change the header type to template, everything will be overridden and changed to the template.

    So, hover onto the button edit with Elementor and see if there appears a template that has post fix (header), if it appears that page uses header template and the only place to edit is via Elementor.

    Kind Regards

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.

  • hdinteriors replied

    I have the same questions. How do I get to where I hover over the button Edit with Elementor and see if there appears a header template. I am using the theme Arkhitekton and using the Architecture Studio template.

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Hdinteriors,

    Make sure that you're logged in and you're viewing the architecture studio page. If you press onto the header, the Elementor editor will be opened where you can edit the header.


    You can even go directly to the header template. https://prnt.sc/r031q9

    Kind Regards

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