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  Public Ticket #2279384
How do I change/add the portfolio item template


  • bvanlangeveld started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I'm changing the looks of my current website with your theme bifrost. And although I've made wordpress websites with themes before, I don't do it very often and need a bit of a reminder how to do things. This is a new theme and Elementor is a new builder for me and you don't have a lot of information how to put things in working order.

    Here's my problem. I want to change the portfolio items page look to "Side portfolio V6" So I need to change or install the template. But I can't find the pages or the templates for these portfolio items. Where can I find them and how do I install them in the page? Please show/tell me step by step how to  change this.

    Best regards,


  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Birgitta,

    Make sure to install and activate all the required plugins of Bifrost first, after that you start by importing a portfolio page that you like or any other home that seems alright, if none of these are your need then you can import the portfolio pages(all of these options will import all the portfolio item type), so you can start by removing the other portfolio items that you don't need and keeping only the Side Portfolio v6.

    Side Portfolio v6 is created through portfolio item settings, so achieving something like that is not quite hard. If you're not into importing demo but starting from scratch, I'll list the options below that you need to achieve the Side Portfolio v6.

    1. Start by creating a new portfolio item, give it a name and a description that you like.
    2. Scroll down from the content area and you'll see the settings.
    3. In the Portfolio Item Settings add as following. https://prnt.sc/qrv0es
    4. In the Portfolio Item Gallery change to 1 Column and animation to Fade In Up(with Delay). https://prnt.sc/qrv0pf
    5. In the Portfolio Item Tabs start adding tabs as you wish. https://prnt.sc/qrv0ys

    Since, you don't need to re-select all the time same options, you can install the following plugin, it will allow you do duplicate post and pages, so you can duplicate the Portfolio sample you've added.


    Elementor is quite fun and easy to work with, in the beginning it will look hard, but believe me as soon as you learn the first things, it will become a very joy to work with.

    Quick Links to help you work with Bifrost & Elementor.

    - Our Video Channel: URL 

    - Bifrost Documentation: URL

    - Bifrost Help Articles: URL

    - Elementor Video Channel: URL. Only the Free elements are included, we can't include a PRO version into a theme, since Elementor doesn't allow it.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

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  • bvanlangeveld replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for your reply. I found the portfolio item pages! Under the tab "Portfolios" ofcourse! Probably they were there all along but I was looking under "Pages".

    Thank you for your help, At least I know now how to reconstruct a page ;-)


  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Birgitta,

    Sure, feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.