Hello, I have purchased your Arkhitekton theme. I am writing you for a detail. If I use the Metro Home page projects can I integrate rectangular images or only the square format is allowed? the same question applies to the Galley projects; here you can use a format different from the square? thanks for the availability. Alberto mellano
Hello, I have purchased your Arkhitekton theme. I am writing you for a detail. If I use the Metro Home page projects can I integrate rectangular images or only the square format is allowed? the same question applies to the Galley projects; here you can use a format different from the square? thanks for the availability. Alberto mellano
Sure, you can simply enable or disable the metro layout on the posts element.
- https://prnt.sc/qhm60f
And then to make them as squares, you can enable the thumbnail resizer.
- https://prnt.sc/qhm672
Kind Regards
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