Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2240819
page issues


  •  1
    mejisan started the conversation


    1. For some reason the cart preview that used to show when i hovered over the cart icon in the top right has disappeared. How do i get this back?
    2. When I click 'add to cart' on a product page, it should add the product to the cart and redirect to the checkout page. How can i do this?
    3. How can i swap the position of the short and standard descriptions on the product page?
    4. I have installed woocommerce's addon plugin to enable the user to select to add a frame from the checkout page. but it isnt working. Woocommerce say the problem is with the theme. can u help?
  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Mejisan,

    1) It seems like there is a CSS propery which hides it with display none.

    - https://prnt.sc/q9v25t

    You can either remove that style, or add the new one.

    .elementor-21767 .elementor-element.elementor-element-b1cb531 .l-primary-header__bag .o-mini-cart {
        display: unset !important; }

    2) Well that requires some extra work and it can be achieved through this plugin.


    3) If you mean to change these two, that will require some extra work on the child theme, I will need your WordPress information on that. https://prnt.sc/q9v3lx

    4) What problem can you please screenshot what it says? So I can help you further on this one.

    Kind Regards

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  •   mejisan replied privately
  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Mejisan,

    I am very sorry for this very late reply, we were not working on friday since a national holiday and then the weekendfrown.png

    1) I've fixed this one by adding :hover property to the icon.

    2) I've added a custom snippet which redirects it immediately, so you can remove the plugin.


    3) Unfortunately I am not able to find it anything similar, have you found anything on google or not?

    4) What addon you're using? Maybe there's a simple code that needs to be added to the price, so it shows the full price.

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  •  1
    mejisan replied

    Hey thanks so much:

    1) perfect thanks! 

    2) perfect thanks!

    3) i think you havent understood me -  i just want to swap the position of the short description, and description fields on the product page  - so that the longer decription is at the top . the sections in question are circled in this screenshot for clarity https://prnt.sc/qbmpkt

    4) how can i replace the product price with the 'amount' field as shown here http://prnt.sc/qbmsm5

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Mejisan,

    3) Okay, I've did some research and it seems like this can be possible through some filters via php, add them as snippet on your page.

    // Full Length Excerpt
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_edit_product_tabs', 10 );
    function woo_edit_product_tabs( $tabs ) {
        $tabs['description']['callback'] = 'woo_custom_description_tab_content';
        return $tabs;
    function woo_custom_description_tab_content() {
        global $post;
        echo $post->post_excerpt;
    // Short Excerpt
    function filter_woocommerce_short_description( $post_post_excerpt ) { 
        return get_the_content(); 
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_short_description', 'filter_woocommerce_short_description', 10, 1 );

    4) As I've checked on this page, the original price doesn't seem to be changed.


    See the second screenshot.

    Also, we use the second hook which is untouched how it come from WooCommerce.


    Total seems to be working alright: https://prnt.sc/qc6mqd

    Kind Regards

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  •  1
    mejisan replied

    Thanks very much.

    on 4)  yes the total is working fine,. But what i am asking, is is it possible to swap the product price (circled in red in the screenshot), with the total (circled in green in the screen shot)? I would prefer to just have the total (in green) show where the existing price is (in red) as the total (in green) is dynamic and updates when the checkbox for a frame is checked. https://prnt.sc/qdrmjk

    5) How can i make my product page urls shorter and prettier? Ie. at the moment they are like this:  https://melodylakerart.com/shop/shop-wide/shop-wide-grid/cherry-on/ whereas I want them to be: https://melodylakerart.com/shop/cherry-on/

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    I apologize for the late reply, we did not work on the weekend.

    4) Sincerely, I don't know if something like that is possiblefrown.png If you can find anything similar please let me know, so I can dig it further.

    5) Please go to the page settings and set on the right sidebar to no parent. https://prnt.sc/qem0a4

    Kind Regards

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  •  1
    mejisan replied

    hi there,


    4) are you able to ask your colleagues and show them the screenshots I provided by way of explanation?

    5)which page are you proposing I do this on? I want all my products to have short /pretty URLs as described and dont want to have to do this for each individual product as it will take ages!

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Mejisan,

    4) I've showed them, but unfortunately the plugin works on that way. Search something if that plugin has some extra jQuery callbacks or functionalities which can be attached.

    5) For products please go to Settings > Permalinks, scroll down and you'll be able to edit the permalinks for all products, I thought you were asking for pages. Pages needs to be changed manually.

    Kind Regards

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