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  Public Ticket #2230508
change font and line spacing in the menu and submenu


  • emanuela started the conversation

    I wanted to know where I can change font size and line spacing of the menu and submenu

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Emanuela,

    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    1) You can either use the header template, you can have a look into the video tutorials. There are options to edit the line height and all other stuff.

    Video URL

    2) I will list below how you can make the changes.

    A) Menu Font Size:

    ul.menu.m-header-default-menu li.menu-item.current_page_item > a {
        font-size: 20px !important;

    B) Mega Menu Items:

    .m-nav-menu--horizontal:not(.m-nav-menu--mobile) ul.m-mega-menu-holder > li.menu-item.menu-item-has-children.m-mega-menu > ul.sub-menu li.menu-item > a {
        font-size: 20px !important;

    C) Offset of the mega menu and the item.

    ul.menu.m-header-default-menu li.menu-item.menu-item-has-children > ul.sub-menu {
        margin-top: 15px !important;

    D) Well the height is specific on these ones, and it is supported only for 4 mega items, you've added 8. You can add some margin-bottom and they'll all look the same. https://prnt.sc/q4xgvt

    ul.menu.m-header-default-menu li.menu-item.menu-item-has-children > ul.sub-menu li.menu-item {
        margin-bottom: 30px !important;

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

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  • emanuela replied

    it is not at all clear, as I can change the size of the menu font and submenu, obviously without going to change the code, I bought for this reason the theme bifrost

    the video you gave me the url is too fast, there are no possible tutorials to wade through and understand ??

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Emanuela,

    You can try importing the header templates on Appearance > One Click Demo Importer (search for header templates), the headers will be imported and you can assign them by going at Appearance > Customize > Header > Layout (Template selected as type) and then under the field below to select the header you want to use.

    How to edit the header?

    In the theme you can either use the header that comes as default where you can upload the logo from Customizer and manage it from there or via Elementor where you can create headers and assign them to different pages, so please hover onto button Edit with Elementor and see if there appears a header template. https://prnt.sc/ppaaad

    Click onto the template and the editor for that template will be opened where you can easily edit it.

    - Video Tutorials about header builder(You can change how the page is assigned, if the video seems to fast, please click on the cog and change speed to 0.5).

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    kind Regards

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