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  Public Ticket #2195232
Images on Interactive Grid


  • chi started the conversation

    How can I set the lifestyle image to the hovered image, not the product picture for interactive grid ? I set the "product" for it, but we don't wanna show the default product picture for when we hover the product name. We want to show something nicer than it. Is there any setting? 

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Chiyomi,

    Can you please let me know what do you mean with nicer than it? You can give the whole section a background image and disable the default image on the interactive, so the default image will be the one from the section, if that's what you mean.

    - https://prnt.sc/po24ts

    Kind Regards

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  • chi replied

    Simply, how can I change the images for both product, and the background image?

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Chiyomi,

    Well, the same image that is featured will be displayed on the interactive grid as background, so you want to display a custom image for the background? and different image for the thumbnail right?

    Kind Regards

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  •   chi replied privately
  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Chiyomi,

    Actually that's not the placeholder image, that's the first image that has that as thumbnail, please go to the settings of the interactive links and disable first active or change these other images the featured image.

    Kind Regards

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  • chi replied

    I don't want to make it disable, I still wanna keep it.... I just wanna know how to change it. How can I set the first image which say's "placeholder" now. Or can I set the first product? 

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Chiyomi,

    Well, that's the feature image of a product, please change the feature image of these products that are displayed on that page by name and you'll see the difference.

    Kind Regards

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