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  Public Ticket #2194716


  • shiftychris69 started the conversation


    I need to translate 2 things. One is in the last step of the checkout. According to this tutorial (https://rudrastyh.com/woocommerce/checkout-privacy-policy-terms-and-conditions.html#add_terms_and_conditions) I have to make changes to woocommerce via the customizer. But I have no possibility of changing it, because I have no woocommerce tab in the customizer.

    The next Problem is the word -or-. I did not found where I can change it. On the category page I have the same problems. The filter remain english.

    I attched the screenshots

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    These two are connected to the WooCommerce and localization belongs to them. I'm sorry about that, we have disabled WooCommerce Options. This is the way to translate it, it should work for the second one too.

    Add the old string: I have read and agree to the website %s
    Text Domain: woocommerce
    Add the new string: Your String

    Or you can read more at the link below.

    - https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-localization/

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

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  • shiftychris69 replied

    Sorry, but where do I have to add those strings? Do I have to do it with all english sentences?

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Oops, missed the plugin URL.

    - https://wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/

    Go to Settings > Text Changes.

    Kin Regards

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  • shiftychris69 replied

    Sorry, I changed all strings, but it doesnt work for me. I sent a refund request. I love the theme, but if I dont get it set up with woocommerce for the german laws, I simply cant use it. I hope you understand that..

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Christoph Schmitz,

    If that's the only case, I will help you easily on that, simply provide me with your wp-admin and I will see what is not working, I can get back the WooCommerce settings or try the solutions, because I have just tried myself and they worked.

    If you decided not to stay with Amartha, we'll accept the refund.

    Kind Regards

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  •   shiftychris69 replied privately
  •  675
    Neuron replied


    Good to knowsmile.png

    1) I have re-added the string for '- or -', you can check it on text changes. I've added with the plugin text domain.

    2) I have re-added the WooCommerce options, the columns and style options won't perform since we added ours, but the other like translation will work finesmile.png

    Code has been added on the child theme functions.php so in case any update or something nothing would lose. https://prnt.sc/po19yx

    Kind Regards

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  • shiftychris69 replied

    Hi, thank you for your help!
    I have one last Problem with the translation.

    The sorting and the sentence show n results cant be translated by me. I tried it with text changes but it didnt work.Did you make any further adjustements? I dont know why I cant make any changes at all.

  • shiftychris69 replied

    Okay - I translated the sorting options by myself. But Showing n results is still english.

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    It seems there are two kind of Showing all results, maybe that's why it is not working. https://prnt.sc/ppa1ur


    Showing all %d result


    Showing all %d results

    Please test it and let me know if it works, so I can check what is going on.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

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  • shiftychris69 replied


    i can translate the string within this file:

    wp-content/themes/amartha/woocommerce/loop/result-count.php (Line 29)

    Can I change it right there? If you update your theme, the changes are gone, right? Do I have to post some code into the functions.php of my child theme?

  • shiftychris69 replied

    Okay - I changed the string with Say What. The Domain was Amartha not woocommerce. Now its working! Thank you very much.

    Is there a possibility to get a user login Button beside the header search?

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    Sorry for the late reply. If you see any file that is within templates or woocommerce directory you can easily grab that and paste into the same directory as the main theme to the child theme, that will override it.

    I am sorry but by default Amartha does not posses any login element, you can try any third-party plugin which creates the shortcode for that. 


    So, you can simply grab their shortcode and paste it via the shortcode element on Elementor.

    Kind Regards

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