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  Public Ticket #2182903
Color change


  • MadsSJespersen started the conversation

    I have changed the color for the theme to a turqoise. However it seems that the theme dosent change it everywhere from the "yellow" default. In the shopping cart it  is still a yellow button, and on hover on menu for smaller screens the three lines are yellow. (see image)

    Plus half the border is yellow when an item is added to the cart. 

    Is there some setting I need to change or am I doing something else wrong?

    (please note that I have done a bit of css edit off the strike through effect - but that should not have any effect on the color of menus etc)

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    I'm sorry also for the option, it should have changed every color that it belonged to core elements, I will release an upcoming update which will fix the issues, for now, please add the following style in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

    1) Cart Button:

    .o-mini-cart .o-mini-cart__total-holder .o-mini-cart__total-holder__buttons .button {
        background-color: your_color !important;

    2) Hamburger:

    .m-nav-menu--mobile-icon:hover svg line {
        stroke: your_color !important;

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.

  • MadsSJespersen replied

    Thank you very much. Look forward to the Update.

    Another thing I was wondering is why the “shop” menu seems different than the others. Aka the placement of the stroke (bar on my page) differs slightly from the others (in some menu items it seems offset a bit).

    However this is only on the shop menu?

  • MadsSJespersen replied

    Here is an image of the difference. As said it is only in the “shop” drop down and is also seen if the effect is the original strike through

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    It could be from the line height of the menu items, can you please try to add the following style.

    .m-nav-menu--horizontal:not(.m-nav-menu--mobile) ul.m-mega-menu-holder > li.menu-item.menu-item-has-children.m-mega-menu > ul.sub-menu li.menu-item > a {
        line-height: inherit !important;

    So, this will basically inherit the values of the parent menu item.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.

  • MadsSJespersen replied

    Thanks. Unfortunatly that moves it up so it is now offset to the top. Looking at the code I cannot see why the megamenu is different. 

    A solution could be to just style it individually but as the original line is also offset it seems weird?

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, the display inline-block seems to create it, in the first line we're removing the display inline block and changing it to initial and in second one we're creating some spacing.

    .m-nav-menu--horizontal:not(.m-nav-menu--mobile) ul.m-mega-menu-holder > li.menu-item.menu-item-has-children.m-mega-menu > ul.sub-menu li.menu-item > a {
        display: initial !important;
    } .m-nav-menu--horizontal:not(.m-nav-menu--mobile) ul.m-mega-menu-holder > li.menu-item.menu-item-has-children.m-mega-menu > ul.sub-menu li.menu-item ul.sub-menu li.menu-item {
        margin-top: 10px !important;

    Check it and let me know if it is alright.

    Kind Regards

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.

  • MadsSJespersen replied

    thanks. That fixes it on all but the main titles. But I suppose they just need a little extra margin top for them.

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Good to know, feel free to ask for anything you needsmile.png

    If you like our theme, please leave us a rate with 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards,

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.

  • MadsSJespersen replied

    I found a few more places where the color dosent change with the theme. I seems to be in regard to mouseovers - but I cannot seem to find the css for it. 

    I have attached images of the places I have found and hope you guys can point me in the right direction.
    Best regards,

  • MadsSJespersen replied

    And the last one.

  •   Neuron replied privately
  • claudiakeough replied


    When I copy the following, the CSS is broken. Could you please explain why this is happening and how to fix?

    .m-nav-menu--mobile-icon:hover svg line {
        stroke: your_color !important;


  •  675
    Neuron replied


    Can you please provide me with a screenshot and let me know what is broken? Maybe there's a notice for important value, remove it and see if the issue occurs.

    Kind Regards

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.

  • MadsSJespersen replied

    I found a few more formatting/color things that it dosent change:

    1. the link color on most pages (see image)

    2. the product link color (see image)

    3.  It seems to change the text size on some orders in the account order info. but not on all? (see image)

    4. tracking on order page seems to format wrongly?

    Hope you can help me fix these.
    best regards,


  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Hi Mads,

    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    1) There is a global link color, changing it will affect most of the pages.

    body a:not(button),
    .elementor a:not(button),
    body a:not(button):hover,
    .elementor a:not(button):hover {
        color: your_color !important;

    2) That's the mark html tag color.

    mark {
        background-color: your_color !important;

    What's wrong about the layout, the heading? It seems to inherit the poppins font which is alright.

    Kind Regards

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  • MadsSJespersen replied

    Thank you very much for the reply.

    see the large text image. The font size is in some cases very large and in some not - even On the same page With just a different user.

  • MadsSJespersen replied

    And the form in the tracking image loves the text in so it dosent fit the table. But I do not know if that is woocommerence or the template 

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    1) Please clear the cache and check it again, the text should remain the same.

    2) Can you please let me know with a screenshot which part is not showing correct the font size.


    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.