Hi, as can you see in the attached image the main menu social icons are broken. How can I fix them? And if I wanted to remove them from the main menu what should I do?
Ah ok thank you I haven't seen the edit header button in the dropdown menu. Another question, I can't find the contact and about pages that I've seen in the demo, I can find it somewhere or I have to build it?
Hi, as can you see in the attached image the main menu social icons are broken. How can I fix them? And if I wanted to remove them from the main menu what should I do?
Simply hover onto the button Edit with Elementor and the header will appear and edit the header.
- https://prnt.sc/p0mwgn
After you edit the template, you can easily add or remove the social icons. Right after the edit the social media will be fixed.
- https://prnt.sc/p0mwrh
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
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Ah ok thank you I haven't seen the edit header button in the dropdown menu. Another question, I can't find the contact and about pages that I've seen in the demo, I can find it somewhere or I have to build it?
I mean this pages:
Contact: https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost/contact-personal/
About: https://neuronthemes.com/bifrost/about-personal/
Please go to Appearance > One Click Demo importer and search for these pages, you'll be able easily to import them on your website.
Kind Regards
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