Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2132677
sticky menu


  • anakarinaposadas started the conversation

    Hi Guys, how are you?

    We are designing our agency website and I have the following questions.

    1) We'll have a portafolio section where we will show all of our projects. 

    In this section we'll use the Portafolio / wide / metro template. 
    For this section I would like to know if it's possible to introduce a gif or a small video as the thumbnail or preview image of the project.
    2) When clicking on this image preview on the portafolio page, the user will be redirected to the project page. (Which will have a different layout depending on the project).

    We wanted to customize the sticky menu inside each project with a custom color. For example if I'm showing a branding, and the predominate color used on that brand is blue. We would love to make the top menu change color when scrolling down on the project.  
    Is this something possible to do? 
    3) We want to have the option of having either an image carrousel or a video on the header of the project. Is it possible to have both or I have to choose one of them.
    4) Can we eliminate the youtube indicators on the video? So we don't see the source of the video. 
    Hope you can help me with these doubts. Thank you in advance

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    Thanks we're good, hope the same for yousmile.png

    1) You need the posts element and inside the portfolio item created one by one, so you can simply inherit them via categories on the page. Yes, it is possible to include gifs.


    You cannot include videos on the posts element, sorry about that. There are plenty of other elements where you can use the videos.

    2) Well, to customize the sticky menu, there's one thing that you should do first. Install the following plugin, it will allow you to add Custom Body Classes, so you can add to your portfolios.


    So your selectors become like the below.

    // This is for the background color of header on sticky
    .the-custom-selector .l-primary-header--sticky .headroom.headroom--not-top {
        background-color: #fff !important;
    // This is for the menu items.
    .the-custom-selector .l-primary-header--sticky .headroom.headroom--not-top ul.menu.m-header-default-menu li.menu-item>a {
         color: your_color !important;   

    3) On the header? Unfortunately you can't add further elements to the header(menu).

    4) Use the video player element instead. https://prnt.sc/ozhtun

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

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