Our support team is on holiday from January 1st to 7th. Responses may be delayed, but we'll be back on January 8th. Happy Holidays!

  Public Ticket #2105624
Inaccurate anchor links


  • kkapiga started the conversation


    I'm having some trouble getting my anchor links to take me down to the right place on the page. 

    What will happen is that you click an anchor link for something and you'll end up scrolling down past it entirely and have to scroll back up. This is more noticeable the further down the page you're trying to go.

    Any idea what might be causing this?

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, somehow I missed a couple of tickets of Sunday and Monday.

    Please when adding the anchor links add like the following url.


    So in your section add the_anchor as id in advanced tab.

    Feel free to ask for anything you need.

    Kind Regards

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  • kkapiga replied


    No problem. I tried that out but it still doesn't seem to be working properly. I've added the #the_anchor to the menu anchor element under CSS ID under Advanced settings. So I've specified the name of the ID twice. Any other ideas?

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    I am very sorry for the late reply, we were not working on the weekend.

    This links are working correctly. http://prntscr.com/orm42p

    Maybe clearing the cache and testing them again.

    Kind Regards

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.

  • kkapiga replied

    Yeah, I can see that. Thanks for following up!

  •  675
    Neuron replied

    Good to know, you are welcome anytime, feel free to ask for anything you needsmile.png

    If you like our theme, please leave us a rate with 5 stars at ThemeForest, that would help us a lot.

    Kind Regards,

    Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates about NeuronThemes and join our community Facebook Group.