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  Public Ticket #2078343
Unable to save


  • kkapiga started the conversation


    I've getting a very unusual error message. Basically, after building a long page, I stopped being able to save, and would instead get the attached error message. 

    Then I created a new page and replicated one by one, the very same elements. It was going fine until I added an icon list (not even the first icon list actually). 

    It's so strange; I'm able to add one or two items fine but then as soon as I add a third, I get this error message. If I delete the list, or delete the last list item I added, I can save normally. 

    The fact that there are times when I can save normally tells me this isn't a problem with my internet connection. Any recommendations?

  •  675
    Neuron replied


    1. play with AUTOSAVE interval:

    define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 160 ); // Seconds
    That should be added to the "wp-config.php" file of your site above the "/* That's all, stop editing! */ line and also you may want to play with "160" value a bit, probably increasing it even further (though please note: the higher the value the bigger the content loss chance!)

    2. make sure that WP is tweaked to use available resources:


    where "256M' value should be substituted with the value of maximum allowed PHP memory


    PHP "max_execution_time" option; that should be set to a reasonably high value e.g. 180 or even 300 seconds;

    Kind Regards

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