I've chosen Creative Agency Template and been working on the design for some time, but hadn't realised it has a fixed white frame around the content early on. How can I disable it so the page is full-width?
I cannot see the screenshot attached but I think I found the option. It has been disabled now but for some reason changing it doesn't take any effect. It only applies to the homepage as the border hasn't been visible on the rest of the pages from the start. Is there an other option to disable the border?
I've chosen Creative Agency Template and been working on the design for some time, but hadn't realised it has a fixed white frame around the content early on. How can I disable it so the page is full-width?
Hi Joanna,
Simply edit the page and in the Page Settings > General you'll spot the theme borders heading.
- http://prntscr.com/nx17wz
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
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I cannot see the screenshot attached but I think I found the option. It has been disabled now but for some reason changing it doesn't take any effect. It only applies to the homepage as the border hasn't been visible on the rest of the pages from the start. Is there an other option to disable the border?
Hi Joanna,
The option that you're seeking is global and work for all pages except for those who don't inherit the values.
Edit the page: https://prnt.sc/nx3g0j
Remove the borders: http://prntscr.com/nx3gcj
If you need further help, let me know.
Feel free to ask for anything you need.
Kind Regards
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